The Rise and Fall of Cromwell.

rise and fall of Cromwell.

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 18-05-11 10:54
What did Henry nickname Anne?
The Flanders Mare.
1 of 3
Why was the report of hersey in Calais bad for Cromwell?
That Cromwell knew but did nothing to stop it.
2 of 3
Why was Cromwell's title of the Earl of Essex in 1540 contraversial?
Henry had him executed later that same year.
3 of 3

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Card 2


Why was the report of hersey in Calais bad for Cromwell?


That Cromwell knew but did nothing to stop it.

Card 3


Why was Cromwell's title of the Earl of Essex in 1540 contraversial?


Preview of the front of card 3


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