Other questions in this quiz

2. Jews believe in only one God. This is called...?

  • Faithfulness
  • Benevolence
  • Monotheism
  • Omnipresence

3. What do Jews believe about prayer?

  • He can hear all prayers but doesn't always answer them how you would expect
  • That God can hear them all but can't do anything
  • He can hear all prayers

4. How do Jews see God?

  • That he's merciful and just only
  • That he is deeply concerned with human affairs only
  • All of the above
  • That he's holy only
  • That he's holy, merciful and just

5. Jews believe that whilst they can have a close bond with God, they must also treat him with great respect

  • True
  • False




a very good way to summarise this quick topic. thankyou :)

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