The role of heredity and environment in IQ

What can smart people do on IQ tests?
Solve hard problems and solve them very quickly
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What does IQ stand for?
Intelligence Quotient
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Who were the first IQ tests devised by?
Alfred Binet and Theodore simon at the beginning of the twentieth century in France
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What had it showed?
That children did not seem to learn very well
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What did Binet and simon do?
They devised a test that presents a series of problems that supposedly rely minimally on practical knowledge or experience
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Most people have an IQ of 100, or somewhere near that figure, however what do only a small majority have?
extremely high or low scores
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What is this called?
Normal distribution fits many natural phenomena, such as height or weight
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For example?
Most adult males are about 175 cm tall, proportionately few are above 200cm and a few are below 150 cm, tallness is under genetic influence, like many genetic characteristics, we can see how the patterns of heights conform to normal distribution
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What are the problems with this approach to the construction of intelligence?
to specify that one kind of item should or should not be included.
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What is test cosntruction?
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What is intelligence according to generalised intelligence?
It is a single construct that influences all cognitive functioning
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What would happen if this were true?
then we should find that people who do well on one measure of cognitive ability would also do well on another, even if the measures are superficially dissimilar
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What are tests well suited for?
Stanford-Binet test and the Raven's Standard progressive Matrices
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What do these sort of tests present?
series of non verbal visual puzzles in which they have to form perceptual relations between elements in the series
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What should the performance on this test do?
Not benefit from levels of formal schooling or be influences by cultural differences
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What did Cattell propose?
Intelligence is not a single concept but is composed of fluid intelligence and crystallised intelligence
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What does Fluid intelligence describe?
The cognitive functioning component that is the ability to deal with novel problems and concepts, think on your feet, process information and adapt your chosen strategy to deal with any given situation
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What can fluid intelligence be?
Not influenced by formal schooling but may be thought of as an innate endowment
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What does Crystallised intelligence do?
Benefit from schooling and learning, as it directly represents all the stored factual information an individual has
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What would we expect from crystallised intelligence compared to another?
Crystallised intelligence should increase throughout an individual's life span but fluid intelligence should not
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What is the Wechsler intelligence scale for children?
They have two sections - a verbal section and a performance section
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How do they both tap into crytalised intelligence
In the verbal section the child's language skills and general knowledge of the world are tested (Crystalized intelligence, with tasks that test knowledge of information, comprehension of similarities, competence with arithmetic and vocabularly,
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How do they tap into fluid intelligence?
The performance section tests spatial and perceptual abilities, include tasks that require identifying a missing part to complete a picture, coding different geometric objects in accordance with a prescribed scheme quickly and accurately
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What is a problem with testing IQ?
s one’s experiences become more enriched and v aried, so perhaps this would be refl ected in higher IQ.
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IQ might not be quite so static, contrary to what some seem to have supposed (e.g. Jensen, 1980) and we can disengage from a gloomy picture of the world where a large part of the population is held back because of their low IQ
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What are importance consideration?
Covariance between inheritance and environment, intelligent children tend to have intelligent parents who provide an enriched environment
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What is the transactional process?
Intelligent children provoke an intelligent response that potentially feeds their development even further
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What did Bouchard and Mcgue sugest?
Identical twins had a correlation of .86, identical twins reared apart .72, non twin siblings reared together .47
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What would happen if we would find a correlation of 0?
If IQa of twin pairs were unrelated and we would find a correlaton of -1 if there was a negative relationshi
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Why would this happen?
IF it was always the case that when one twin had a high IQ, his brother had a low IQ
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What did Pomlin and Defries (1980) find?
Identical twins reared apart is .72
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What did Bouchard et al find?
He tested 56 pairs of identical twins from all over the world separated within the fi rst 2 years, who typically were not reunited until adulthood. They had similar Iq scores
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What else ?
IQ of biologically unrelated individuals who had been adopted into the same family at an early age, fi nd a correlation of .34. This seems to suggest that the environment certainly contributes something
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What did McClearn et al find?
reviewed studies suggesting that the heritability factor (which is derived from the correlation value) shows as 20% in infancy, 40% in childhood, 50% in adolescence, and 60% in adulthood.
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Wht happened when psychologists combined data from 11,000 pairs of twins?
In this largescale investigation we fi nd again that the infl uence of genetics increases as people get older: from 41% at 9 years old to 66% in young adulthood at 17 years old. The same pattern holds in older individuals, from adulthood to middleage
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What is the first environmental factor?
the environment in the womb, identical twins reared apart still had a shared environment in the wob
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How does diet and nutrition start?
Study by Benton and Robers involving diet supplements
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How does the family environment affect?
An enriched and stimulating environment correlates with IQ
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What did Elardo et al suggest?
When speaking to the children, the mothers voice conveys positive feeling, mother structures the child's play periods, mother reads stories at least 3 times weekly
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What other family environments do?
Child gets out of house at least 4 times a week, mother shouts at child relatively infreuqently, mother spontaneously vocalises to the child relatively frequently
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Where were children observed?
6 months and 24 months, they were tested at 3 and then 41/2 years. Results: rating when child was aged 24 months correlated with IQ at 3 years .70, rating of family when child was aged 6 months correlated with IQ at 41/2 years.44
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What did McGue et al find?
Maturation genes turning on and off at certain times during a lifetime, diseases of the elderly that affect performance on an IQ test
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does IQ stand for?


Intelligence Quotient

Card 3


Who were the first IQ tests devised by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What had it showed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Binet and simon do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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