Psychology approaches

humanistci, psychodynamic, cogmitive

  • Created by: mel
  • Created on: 18-12-13 14:48
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  • Psychology
    • Biological Approach
      • Places heavy emphasis on heredity
        • regarding personality the approach tends to focus on the aspects of personality associated with temperament
          • TEMPERAMENT- basic behavioral tendencies such as emotionality, stability and fearfulness which is believes to de determind by heredity
      • In principle all psychological events can ve related to the activity of the brain and the nervous system
        • The biological approach attempts to relate overt behaviour to chemical and elecrical events taking part in the body
          • Research seeks to specify the microbiological process and underlies behavior and mental process
    • Humanistic Approach
        • Carl Rogers
          • development and growth motivated by the tendency to reach our full potential- for rogers the primary factor which influences the process of growth and cognitive and experimental NOT biological
            • Untitled
    • Cognitive Approach
      • focuses on how the cognitive process affects the way we behave
        • interested in why we believe in the concept of personality and the factors which promote behavior
          • Holds too much emphasis on internal characteristics (personality) as they do on external factors (environment)
            • For cognitivists consistencies arise because we learn from others and imitate them
      • 1) only by studying mental processes can we fully understand what organisms do
        • 2) We can study mental processes in and objective fashion by focusing on specific behaviors but interpretating them in the terms of underlying mental process
          • while making the interpretations they have relied upon an analogy between the mind and a computer
            • incoming information is processed in various ways; it is selected compared and combined with other information already compared
    • Psycho-dynamic Approach
      • FREUD
        • behavior is influenced by innate drives- which change through the course of development
            • Oral- Anal- Phallic- Latent- Genital = shape the formation of adult personality
          • PERSONALITY
            • based on 3 components! - ID Ego and Superego-
              • dynamically interact to direct behavior - the ID is there through birth it is a basic and animal instinct even while the ego and superego are formed over time
  • In principle all psychological events can ve related to the activity of the brain and the nervous system
    • The biological approach attempts to relate overt behaviour to chemical and elecrical events taking part in the body
      • Research seeks to specify the microbiological process and underlies behavior and mental process


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