The organisation of the nervous system, the brain and reflexes

Name the 2 structural nervous systems the mammalian nervous system is organised into
The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System
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Central Nervous System (CNS)
The Brain and Spinal Cord
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Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Everything else, so its all of he body's neurones that connects the CNS to the rest of the body
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Name the 2 types of functional nervous systems the Peripheral Nervous System is split into
The Somatic and Autonomic
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Somatic NS
Conscious control, it is used to carry out voluntary movements e.g. moving a muscle
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Autonomic NS
Unconscious control, it works constantly and causes actions like the heart to beat or to digest food
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What is the ANS split into?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
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Sympathetic NS
'Fight or flight responses, neurotransmitter- noradrenaline
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Parasympathetic NS
Relaxing responses, neurotransmitter- Acetylcholine
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What are the protective membranes around the brain called?
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Name the five main areas of the brain
Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and pituitary gland
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Controls things like learning, memory, personality and conscious thought, highly convoluted so increases surface area thus increasing capacity for complex activity, 2 hemispheres, right controls left side of body and visa versa
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Control of movement, body posture and balance, coordinates it but doesn't initiate it, takes info from the sensory neurones in the organs of balance, tone of muscles and tendons
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Medulla Oblongata
Regulatory system of the ANS, controls things like breathing and heart rate
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2 centres, one for the sympathetic and one for the parasympathetic NS, Involved in controlling complex patterns of behaviour, eg feeding sleeping aggression, monitoring blood plasma composition (water, glucose), producing hormones, endocrine gland
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Pituitary Gland
Base of hypothalamus, controls most glands in the body, 2 sections: -Anterior pituitary (produces 6 hormones including ones involved in reproduction & growth, - Posterior P (stores & releases hormones produced by the hypothalamus)
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What is a reflex arc?
A pathway of neurones involved in a reflex action
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Describe the withdrawal reflex using a hot candle as an e.g
Receptor detects heat, sensory neurone carries impulse to spinal cord, relay neurone connects sensory neurone to motor neurone, MN carries impulse to effector that triggers appropriate response (pull hand away)
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What is the spinal cord?
A column of nervous tissues protected by the spine
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What type of reflex is the knee-jerk reflex and why is it called this?
A spinal reflex because the neural circuit only goes up to the spinal cord and not the brain
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What happens when the knee is tapped just below the cap?
The leg kicks upwards, this is because it stretches the patellar tendon and this initiates a relay neurone to cause the flexor muscle to contract and the hamstring to relax
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Why do we have the knee-jerk reflex?
To maintain balance and posture
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What is the blinking reflex?
When the cornea is stimulated, the eye involuntarily blinks
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When is the cornea stimulated?
When it is touched, when there is bright light or when there is a loud noise
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Why do we have the blinking reflex?
To protect the lens and retina
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What type of reflex is the blinking reflex?
A cranial reflex as it occurs in the brain and not the spinal cord, it is also consensual because the motor neurone causes both eyes to blink
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Why do we have reflexes?
It is a survival response to primarily protect our bodies from danger and reduce damage
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How do reflexes increase your chances of survival?
You dont learn them, they are present at birth so immediately protected,extremely fast reactions, Involuntary so not slowed by decision making, keeps us up right (not falling over due to posture)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Central Nervous System (CNS)


The Brain and Spinal Cord

Card 3


Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 2 types of functional nervous systems the Peripheral Nervous System is split into


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Somatic NS


Preview of the front of card 5
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