The October Reforms


1. What pushed Germany from political reform towards reveloution?

  • The outrage caused by the Treaty of Versailles
  • The outrage of the far right that the Kasier would be giving up some of his powers.
  • The widespread realization that the war was lost
  • The social discontent caused by food and fuel shortages.
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2. What were Luddendorff's aims?

  • Luddendorff had two obvious aims and one cynical ulterior motive. His first aim was to secure for Germany the best possible peace treaty with the allies. Secondly he hoped change would prevent the outbreak of political revolution. His ulterior motive is k
  • Luddendorff had four aims. The first was to suppress the revolutionary groups that were emerging. The second to achieve the best possible peace treaty with the allies. The third was to control inflation. The final aim was to reform the military as they had failed in WW1 and should suffer from this.
  • Luddendorff had one aim. It was heavily criticized by the public in fact it in sighted outrage. He advocated for Kaiser Wilhelm 11 to marry Elizabeth the 11. He believed it would solidify an alliance between Germany and Britain and ensure Britain be less harsh on Germany following WW1.

3. How did Germany become a parliamentary democracy?

  • Within The treaty of Versailles it was stated that the kaiser would have to abdicate and that Germany would have to create a republic and elect a president.
  • Ebert was elected chancellor. Plans to create the Wiemar Republic began. Kaiser Wilhelm 11 abdicated.
  • Prince Max of Baden was appointed chancellor. Wilhelm 11 gave up his powers over the army and the navy to the Reichstag. The Chancellor and the government were made accountable to the Reichsatg. Armistice negotiations were opened with the Allies.
  • Ebert was appointed chancellor. Wilhelm 11 gave up his powers over the army and the navy to the Reichsatg. The Chancellor and the government were made accountable to the Reichsatg. Armistice negotiations were opened with the Allies.

4. How did Luddendorff want to reform Germany following the war?

  • Luddendorff wanted Kaiser Wilhelm to abdicate so that the military could lead the country until the social tension had decreased. He wanted this as to avoid civil war and because he believed that Wilhelm was inadequate but democracy was far to extreme.
  • Luddendorff wanted Kaiser Wilhelm 11 to centralize his government and take dictatorial powers so he could crush any opposition to his rule.
  • Luddendorff wanted to change Germany into a constitutional monarchy by the Kaiser's handing political power to a civilian government.
  • Luddendorff wanted to Kaiser Wilhelm to abdicate and for democratic government to form. He believed in equal rights and that everyone was entitled to electing their leader.

5. How was power organised in Germany before WW1?

  • Germany had a autocratic monarchy. It was ruled by Wilhelm 11
  • Germany was a Democratic republic ruled by Erich Ludendorff
  • Germany was a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by Max of Baden
  • Germany had a constitutional monarchy ruled by emperor Wilhelm the 11


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