The Khmer Rouge (Vietnam War)

  • Created by: JackDo77
  • Created on: 13-10-17 09:24
What did the Khmer Rouge do when they first came to power (towards its citizens)
'evacuate' its citizens
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What particular groups of people did the Khmer Rouge oppose?
anyone with an education, especially those who could speak another language. anyone who wasn't strictly Cambodian (discrimination of the Vietnamese)
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Roughly how many people were evacuated out of city in Cambodia?
around 2 million
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What groups of people benefited under the rule of the Khmer Rouge?
farmers and agricultural workers
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What key tactic did Pol Pot use in Cambodia in order to uphold his regime? (also used in the British Empire in India)
divide and rule
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what was the main fighting force of the Khmer rouge and why were they used?
Children, because they were easier to brain wash than adults
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what are the 8 stages that the Khmer Rouge used in Cambodia?
classification, symbolisation, dehumanisation, organisation, polarisation, preparation, extermination
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Card 2


What particular groups of people did the Khmer Rouge oppose?


anyone with an education, especially those who could speak another language. anyone who wasn't strictly Cambodian (discrimination of the Vietnamese)

Card 3


Roughly how many people were evacuated out of city in Cambodia?


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Card 4


What groups of people benefited under the rule of the Khmer Rouge?


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Card 5


What key tactic did Pol Pot use in Cambodia in order to uphold his regime? (also used in the British Empire in India)


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