Cambodia - Pol Pot and Democratic Kampuchea

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 03-04-17 12:16
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  • Pol Pot and Democratic Kampuchea (1975-78)
    • 1. What were aims and methods of  Pol Pot regime?
      • April 1975: Communists established DK
      • Wanted to make Cam
        • Free from influence of foreigners
        • Self-sufficient in food production
        • New community and cleansed of social blemishes
        • Great again
      • 1975: Yr Zero cleansing began.. To remake country.. Methods:
        • Exclusion of foreign visitors and influence
        • Demolition of urban life
        • Elevation of status of peasants
        • Creation of huge agricultural cooperatives
        • Enforcement of uniformity amongst Khmers and ethnic minorities
        • Mass executions
    • 2. Chinese models
      • Khmer Rouge and Chinese shared belief in
        • Triumph of human will
        • Downgrading of intellectuals
        • Sanctity of manual labour and peasantry
        • Collectiviisation
        • Countryside surrounding city
      • Pol Pot regime unique
        • Mao urged Pol Pot to be less extreme and learn from China's moderation
        • Khmer Rouge felt Mao had compromised and did not believe in Mao style cult
        • Sometimes Cam seemed to follow Ch way, e.g. collectivisation and end of private ownership but this suited them as it ensured food supplies for armed forces helped control population
    • 3. Evacuation of rural areas
      • Cities evacuated because
        • Ideological reasons
          • Cities were centre of capitalism
        • Economic reasons
          • Claimed food shortage imminent and more field labourers needed
      • People of all types resettled and forced to work like slaves
        • By early 1979, approx. 650,000 evacuees had died.
        • Food was short, people dispirited, production down, widespread hunger, even cannibalism
    • 4. Anti-intellectualism
      • Dissent unacceptable
        • Led to death
          • Estimated 25% of population died under Pol Pot
            • Up to 1/2 of these executed
      • Most Khmer Rouge supports illiterate
        • Killed educated elite and urbanites who were likely to speak out. Murdered:
          • 80% teachers
          • 95% doctors
          • Public buildings became torture chambers.
          • Journalist Dith Pran called the grave sites: 'The Killing Fields'
    • 5. The Killing Fields and Ethnicity
      • Some historians say many executions motivated by racism but most of Pol Pot's victims were native Khmers
      • Purges carried out by Santebal
      • 1976: School teachers, army officers, soldiers and Khmer Republic officials
      • 1977: Peasants related to officials
      • Proportionately more from ethnic minorities died. Khmer racism had a long history. Ethnic minorities were a threat to uniformity.
    • 6. The Muslim Cham
      • Largest ethnic minority in Cam. Many joined Comms.
      • Nov 1973, some Cham revolted against Khmer Rouge when they attempted to make them abandon their customs and religion.
      • Summer 1975 revolted again. Pol Pot ordered 150,000 of them to be dispersed.
        • Justified it by saying all Cham were middle class - many had rersisted est. of cooperatives.
        • Different customs - seen as threat to uniformity
        • Some were forced to eat pork (banned by religion), mosques closed and religion prohibited.
      • Buddhism also abolished - religion of ethnic Khmer
    • 7. Chinese Cambodians
      • Cham and Chinese in Cam considered capitalists.
      • Many Chinese involved in moneylending
      • Many died because found it difficult to adjust to peasant life rather than ethnic cleansing.
    • 8. Vietnamese Cams
      • 1974: Roughly 3/4 fled to Vt to escape racist attacks under Lon Nol regime
      • 1975: Most of rest expelled by Khmer Rouge
      • 1977-78: most of remaining 100,000 hunted down and killed. Likely they were victims of ethnic cleansing rather than killed in drive for uniformity.
    • 9. Khmer Krom and the tribal minorities
      • Most significant evidence uniformity rather than ethnic cleansing motivator lies in treatment of Khmer Krom and tribal minorities
      • Khmer Krom = ethnic Khmers who had lived in Vt - spoke Cam with Vt accent
      • 1975-77 many massacred
      • Small Thai and Lao minorities persecuted
      • Hill tribes like Jarai were not persecuted and were allowed to carry on using own language
        • Pol Pot had lived among them 1967-70 and were 'faithful to the revolution, were not raiders and they had class hatred'
    • 10. Reasons for exceptional brutality
      • Social inequality
      • US policies, especially bombing
      • Bitterness caused by Civil War
      • Likely to follow savage ways from past
      • Pol Pot and his associate's fault
    • 11. Pol Pot's foreign policy
      • 1975 - broke off diplomatic relations with USSR and all capitalist states. Also Albania, Vietnam, Cuba and Laos. China mostly supportive but even some in Cam considered them an enemy.
      • They were most wary of Vt - ancient foe
      • Spring 1977 border clashes led Pol Pot to -
        • Executing those with 'Vietnamese minds in Khmer bodies'
        • Purges in zones bordering Vt 'because these were people who follow the Vietnamese'
        • Show people luxury Sihanouk had possessed - he was kept in luxurious confinement in Phnom Penh
        • Make the regime more open and tolerant to win more foreign and domestic support
        • Appeal to the Chinese
      • Actions unhelpful
        • Deng Xiaoping promised support but told Pol Pot off for his actions
        • Purges constituted another civil war that weakened Khmer Rouge
        • Most importantly - contributed Vt invasion of 1978
  • 6. The Muslim Cham
    • Largest ethnic minority in Cam. Many joined Comms.
    • Nov 1973, some Cham revolted against Khmer Rouge when they attempted to make them abandon their customs and religion.
    • Summer 1975 revolted again. Pol Pot ordered 150,000 of them to be dispersed.
      • Justified it by saying all Cham were middle class - many had rersisted est. of cooperatives.
      • Different customs - seen as threat to uniformity
      • Some were forced to eat pork (banned by religion), mosques closed and religion prohibited.
    • Buddhism also abolished - religion of ethnic Khmer


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