The Great Gatsby Glossary Terminology

  • Created by: Rachelezy
  • Created on: 14-02-20 17:03
When a series of words start with the same letter or sound
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An indirect reference to something else (Fitzgerald alludes to Keats poem 'Ode to a Nightingale' when Daisy claims she hears a nightingale's song in the garden)
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When a word or idea can be interpreted in different ways
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American Dream
Idea that Americans are free to achieve anything if they work hard. In the 1920s, the American Dream was linked to the pursuit of wealth
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Repetition of a word or sequence of words at the beginning of nearby clauses
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A hatred of Jewish people
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Art Deco
A style of design that inspired elegant and functional buildings, furniture and art
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In economic terms, a period of prosperity
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Smuggling and selling alcohol in secret during the time of prohibition in America
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choric voice
Using, or taking on a narrative role that is similar to the 'chorus' in Greek Tragedy (e.g. commenting on the action of the plot)
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A widespread preoccupation with buying, or wanting to buy, consumer goods
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A short and meaningful quotation or phrase at the beginning of a book or chapter
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In literature, a movement concerned with how women are presented by writers
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Type of 1920s girl, wore low-waisted dresses and had short hair. Challenged traditional expectations of how women should act (e.g. smoking & drinking)
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A character who contrasts with one of the main characters (e.g. Wilson is a foil to Tom)
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The type of literature a work is (e.g. structure, plot, novel)
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The type of literature a work is (e.g. tragedy, romance)
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Gold Rush
Large migration of people to an area following the discovery of gold there
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Great Depression
Long period of economic hardship following the 1929 Wall Street Crash
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Deliberate exaggeration used to emphasise something
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Figurative language that creates a picture in the reader's mind, including metaphors and similes
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When words are used in a sarcastic or comic way to imply the opposite of what they normally mean
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Jazz Age
Phrase Fitzgerald uses for the 'Roaring Twenties'
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Where two things are placed next to each to create a contrast
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When a work of fiction draws attention to the fact that its fictional (i.e. breaking the fourth wall)
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A way of describing something by saying it is something else
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In literature, a movement in the early 20th Century, where writers rejected traditional literary conventions and tried to create something new
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A repeated image or symbol
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Traditional story that has special significance for the culture that it belongs to
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Speaker who tells the story, usually from their point of view
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A figure of speech that joins two contrasting ideas (e.g. elegant, young rough-neck)
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A speech or work that mocks or exaggerates the features of another speaker or literary style
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pathetic fallacy
When weather matches the mood of the scene
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Quality in text which creates feelings of pity or sorrow in the reader
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poetic prose
Prose which shares some of the features of poetry (e.g. imagery or metaphorical language)
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Late 20th century movement arguing that reality changes depending on perspective. Explored traditional tension between high and low culture
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A ban on making, selling and transporting alcohol which existed in America between 1920 and 1933
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Main character of the narrative
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Writing style that tries to give the impression that it faithfully represent reality
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A period of shrinking economic activity, resulting in high unemployment
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retrospective narrative
When the narrator writes in the present, discussing events that have already happened in the past
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Pattern of sounds created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables
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Movement that began in the 18th Century. Valued beauty, nature and the individual.
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Kind of writing that makes fun of an individual, society or politics to highlight certain flaws
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Repetition of 's' or 'sh' sound
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A way of describing something by saying that it is like something else
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Place where people could illegally buy and drink alcohol during prohibition
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A set of ideas about what a certain social or cultural group is like
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Object that stands for something else (e.g. Tom's car is a symbol of wealth)
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Intentional confusion in a description of the senses (e.g. yellow cocktail music)
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A word that has a similar meaning to another word and can be used as a substitute
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Mood or atmosphere determined by the words the writer uses
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A literary genre that explores the meaning and impact of human suffering
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tragic hero
Protagonist of a tragedy who struggles against the gods or an unfair society and, in failing, dies
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Wall Street Crash
Collapse in the value of shares in New York, 1929, that triggered a worldwide financial crash
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World Series
A major league baseball competition held in America
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Card 2


An indirect reference to something else (Fitzgerald alludes to Keats poem 'Ode to a Nightingale' when Daisy claims she hears a nightingale's song in the garden)



Card 3


When a word or idea can be interpreted in different ways


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Card 4


Idea that Americans are free to achieve anything if they work hard. In the 1920s, the American Dream was linked to the pursuit of wealth


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Repetition of a word or sequence of words at the beginning of nearby clauses


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