The Establishment and early years of the Weimar Republic

  • Created by: BG3108
  • Created on: 19-10-18 18:27
A loose grouping of states with similar ideas/ aims
1 of 13
Commander of the German forces during the First World War
Paul von Hindenburg
2 of 13
Appointed to the position of Chancellor by the Kaiser as part of the October Reforms
Max von Baden
3 of 13
An ideology where it's members are motivated by the desire to improve the quality of life for all members of society.
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They advocated an idealist approach in the peace negotiations with Germany
Woodrow Wilson
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The name of the Treaty that Germany had made with Russia in 1918
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
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A region of Germany that was occupied by French and Belgian troops
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The leading member of an armed uprising in Berlin whose body was found in Berlin's Landwehr Canal
Rosa Luxemburg
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A violent attempt to overthrow a government
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The extremist organisation banned by the Weimar government folowing numerous political assassinations
The Organisation Consul
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The German Workers' Party changed it's name to this in 1920
The National Socialist German Workers' Party
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The school which Hitler had wanted to attend when he was living in Linz
The Vienna Academy of the Arts
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Hitler was wounded by mustard gas on this battlefield
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Card 2


Commander of the German forces during the First World War


Paul von Hindenburg

Card 3


Appointed to the position of Chancellor by the Kaiser as part of the October Reforms


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


An ideology where it's members are motivated by the desire to improve the quality of life for all members of society.


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Card 5


They advocated an idealist approach in the peace negotiations with Germany


Preview of the front of card 5
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