The Development Gap UNIT 2 SECTION B

a physical cause of uneven development includes ? countries
this means countries are ? by land
with no access to ?, they are cut off from ? trade which is important for economic growth
landlocked countries
countries are bordered by land
with no access to seas
they are cut off from seaborne trade
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another physical cause is climate-related ? in the hotter parts of the world
it spreads ? and affects the ability of a population to stay ? enough to work
reducing economic growth
climate-related diseases
hotter parts of the world
spreads disease
hard to stay healthy enough to work
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another physical cause is extreme ?
often hitting ? regions
can be ? to repair damaged infrastructure
so slows economic development
extreme weathers
hitting tropical regions
can be costly to repair damaged infrastructure
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another physical cause is lack of safe ?
this is a barrier to economic development
lack of safe water
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economic causes include low life ?
frequent ?
lack of nutritious ?
low life expectancy
frequent illness
lack of nutritious diet
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a trade cause is:
rich countries want to pay as little as possible for their ? ?
which come from ? countries
processing materials, happens in ? countries, which ? economy
the richer countries get ?
the poorer countries can't ?
rich countries want to pay little for their raw materials
which come from poorer countries
processing happens in richer countries
which increases economy
the richer countries get richer
the poorer countries can't develop
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historical cause:
? countries have a long history of industrial and ? development
whilst other countries have recently become ? and emerged
richer countries have a long history of industrial and economic development
other countries have recently become industrial and emerged
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low income countries:
? in every 10 deaths are children under 15
? is the main cause of death
? diseases is a main cause of death
4 in every 10 deaths are under 15
childbirth is the main cause of death
infectious diseases is a main cause of death
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high income countries:
? in every 100 deaths are children under 15
? diseases is the main cause of death
1 in every 100 deaths are under 15
chronic diseases are the main cause of death
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africa accounts for ?% of malaria deaths worldwide
the wealthier countries have fewer cases of malaria due to ? programmes
africa accounts for 80% of malaria deaths
wealthier countries have fewer cases of malaria due to vaccination programmes
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many countries choose to ? money in lic countries to increase their profits
invest money in lic countries to increase their profits
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investment includes:
development of ?
construction of ? to provide electricity
improvements to ?
development of new industries
development of infrastructure
construction of dams
improvements to harbours
development of new industries
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investment supports a country by providing ? and income from abroad
as economies grow, ? decreases, education ?
people become politically involved, so better ?
providing employment and income from abroad
economies grow, poverty decreases, education grows
political involvement, so better government
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the multiplier effect:
factory creates ? and ? for the government
money invested in ? and roads
the population becomes educated and ?
new investments such as industries and ?
multiplier effect:
factory creates employment and taxes
money invested in schools and roads
population becomes educated and healthier
new investments like industries and shops
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industrial development in malaysia:
growth in ? and quality of ?
due to development of ? resources
? investment to exploit the resources
developed a thriving ? sector
growing ? sector
flourishing ? links
growth in population and quality of life
development of natural resources
foreign investment to exploit them
developed a thriving manufacturing sector
growing service sector
flourishing trade links
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? locations leads to investment and increased income from ?
used to improve ?, infrastructure, ?
can generate a lot of income
but is vulnerable in economic ?
attractive locations lead to investment and increased income from abroad
improves education, infrastructure, housing
generate lots of income
vulnerable in economic recession
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aid can be in the form of:
emergency ?
emergency supplies
skills (doctors)
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short term aid:
? help in response to a natural disaster
emergency help
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bilateral aid:
aid from ? country to ?
aid from one country to another
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richer governments give money to international ? which then ? the money as aid to poorer countries
give money to international organisations which then distributes money to poorer countries
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long term aid:
improves ?
for example to reduce the effects of a natural ?
improves resilience
reduce the effects of a natural disaster
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tied aid:
aid given with certain ?
aid given with certain conditons/agreements
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voluntary aid:
money donated by the ? and distributed
money donated by the public and distributed
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aid helps countries invest in ?, electricity, water which brings ? term benefits
road, electricity, water which brings long term benefits
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intermediate technology:
improves ? and wealth of local people
provides ? and materials
improves skills and wealth
provides employment and materials
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trading groups are countries which have grouped together to ? the level of trade
the ? is an example
grouped together to increase the level of trade
the EU is an example
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advantages of poor countries joining a trading group:
encourages ? between countries
richer countries can't shop for ? prices
command a greater ? of the market
? prices for their goods
encourages trade between countries
richer countries can't shop for cheaper prices
command a greater share of the market
higher prices for their goods
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fairtrade helps to ensure that producers in ? countries get a ? deal:
farmer gets all the ? from the sale of his crop
part of price is invested in ? community
farmer farms in ? friendly way
product has a stronger position in ? market
fairtrade helps ensure that producers in poorer countries get a fair deal:
farmer gets all the money from his crop
part of price is invested in local community
farmer farms in environmentally friendly way
product has a stronger position in global market
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debt crisis:
low commodity prices reduced the value of ? and high oil prices increased the price of ?
low commodity prices reduce the value of exports
high oil prices increased the price of imports
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to qualify for debt relief countries had to:
show they could manage their own ?
no ? in their government
spend debt money on reducing ?
show they could manage their own finances
no corruption in their government
spend debt money on reducing poverty
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debt relief can help poor countries invest in ? projects
but it can also lead to problems:
countries may get into further ?
? governments may keep the money
debt relief helps poor countries invest in development projects
leads to problems too:
countries may get into further debt
corrupt governments may keep the money
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microfinance is a ?-scale financial support to help the poor
small microfinance loans help individuals to start up small ?
as they grow, it increases ? and income
microfinance is a small scale support
small microfinance loans help to start up small businesses
as they grow, it increase employment and income
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migration is one of the main causes of uneven development
immigrant: moving ? a country
emigrant: moving ? a country
economic migrant: moving to seek a better ?
refugee: ? to move from their country as a result of ? or disaster
displaced person: ? to move
immigrant: moving into a country
emigrant: moving out of a country
economic migrant: moving to seek a better life
refugee: forced to move from their country as a result of war or disaster
displaced person: forced to move from their home but stays in their
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economic migration to the UK:
migrants pay ?
they are prepared to work hard
but they do put pressure on services like ? and education
migrants pay tax
prepared to work hard
put pressure on services like healthcare and education
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


another physical cause is climate-related ? in the hotter parts of the world
it spreads ? and affects the ability of a population to stay ? enough to work
reducing economic growth


climate-related diseases
hotter parts of the world
spreads disease
hard to stay healthy enough to work

Card 3


another physical cause is extreme ?
often hitting ? regions
can be ? to repair damaged infrastructure
so slows economic development


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Card 4


another physical cause is lack of safe ?
this is a barrier to economic development


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Card 5


economic causes include low life ?
frequent ?
lack of nutritious ?


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