Other questions in this quiz

2. How is the troposphere heated?

  • from above - IR from sun
  • from below - IR from Earth
  • from below - UV from Earth
  • from above - UV light from sun

3. Which is a human source of carbon dioxide?

  • forest fires
  • combustion of fossil fuels
  • respiration
  • aerosol propellents

4. Roughly what proportion of the incoming radiation from the sun is absorbed by the Earth's surface?

  • 23%
  • 62%
  • 48%
  • 37%

5. What does the Paris agreement want to limit global temperatures to? - keep 'well below'

  • 5 degrees above pre-industrial times
  • 2 degrees above pre-industrial times
  • 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial times


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