conditions for life on earth


conditions for life on earth 

early conditions on earth 

how presence on earth brought about enviro change 

6 conditions of earth that allowed life to form: mass, distance from sun, axis of rotation, speed of rotation, magnetic field, solar insulation 

- abiotic conditions, non living components 

mass: molten layers beneath earth crust produces magnetic field, which delfects hamrful radiation coming from the sun, less mass mean less gravitational pull 

distance from the sun: some planets too close to sun some too far away, between 100000000 + 250000000 km is called goldilocks zone + refers to zone that has ideal temps for life on earth, too close to sun water would evaporate, too far + water would freeze 

axis of rotation: gives us our season,dialy rotation - controls duration of day + night thus our range of temps, tilted axis - produces seasonal variations 

speed of rotation: speed of rotation of earth is 1600km, this is fast enough to minimise excessive cooling (at night) / heating (during the day) 

magnetic field: allows earth to shield itself from harmful solar winds which be harmful to living organisms, its also protects our atmosphere from being ripped away. earth magnetisms - outer core of earth cotains lots of iron in molten state, as earth spins this molten iron moves + creates earths magnetic field, 

solar insolation: input is recieved in form of short wave solar energy, is called insolation, insolation is solar radiation recieved by earths atmosphere/at its surface, only 52% of this insolation reaches earths surface, rest is absorbed by water vapour, dust + clouds/is reflected by earths surface = scattered by particles in air - this reflection is called albedo. relfected heat in form of long wave radiation is trapped in our atmosphere + keeps our planet warm, is known as natural greenhouse effect 

how presence of life brought about environmental change

how atmosphere supports life: 

gases for natural processes, atmosphere contains - oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen 

living organisms use these to make biological molecules, carbohydrates, lipids + proteins all contain carbon hydrogen + oxygen. 

the structure of the atmosphere: 

  • altitude affects the physical features + composition of atmosphere 
  • this creates number of layers accoring to increasing altitude away from earth 
  • the troposhere +…


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