
These are question-answer flashcards about terrorism. It includes some case studies as well. Hope you find it useful.

  • Created by: Mimi
  • Created on: 17-04-13 21:53
What does Terrorism mean?
The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
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What are the main causes of terrorism?
-People having self-dissatisfaction with a political or social policy, they say that they felt that the had no choice and think it will change. Aslo many of the terrorist have mental problems and don't know the difference between right and wrong.
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What was the cause of the IRA bombings?
The Irish Republican Army felt that their land was colonized by British imperialists so in the 1980s they bombed English targets.
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What was the cause of the US Elementary school shootings?
The guy had some sort of mental problem but he did it for no particular reason.
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Why did the Batman premier shootings occur?
There were loose gun laws and there were no limits on monthly purchases of weapons in some areas.
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What are the main effects after a terrorist attack?
Many people killed and injured. Lots of money to repair buildings and homes - economic crisis. People might loose thier jobs if their work building has collapsed. For people, it might make them live in fear for the rest of their lives.
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What were the effects of the Iraq 2012 bombings?
Over 200 killed and more than 500 injured.
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What were the effects of Black Saturday and 9/11?
As many buildings and work places were destroyed , many people lose their jobs like with 9/11 and the World Trade Centre which was never made again. This might make it hard for them to earn a living after all the damage that has been done.
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Why might people live in fear?
They might live in fear for the rest of their lives especially if it has happened more than once beucase you never know when it might happen.
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How does media influence people?
They like to exaggerate things and are very bias to a certain side which might change people's views and make them agree with the media. They make judgements before they know the whole story.
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How were the 7/7 bombings managed?
There were more camera's put around, better airport service and signs and notices in trains.
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How were the Batman Premier shootings managed?
There were campaigns against the loose gun laws and they raised national security levels like in the airport.
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Card 2


What are the main causes of terrorism?


-People having self-dissatisfaction with a political or social policy, they say that they felt that the had no choice and think it will change. Aslo many of the terrorist have mental problems and don't know the difference between right and wrong.

Card 3


What was the cause of the IRA bombings?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the cause of the US Elementary school shootings?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the Batman premier shootings occur?


Preview of the front of card 5
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