Trade Quiz

What is a tarrif?
A tax on imported goods/service
1 of 12
What is a bilateral trade agreement?
An agreement between two countries
2 of 12
What is an export?
Good or service sold to another country
3 of 12
What is a trade surplus?
When a country's exports are greater than imports
4 of 12
What is an embargo?
A ban on an imported good/service
5 of 12
What is a import?
Good/service bought from another country
6 of 12
What is a subsidy?
A grant of money given to a producer
7 of 12
What is a multilateral trade agreement?
An agreement between three or more countries
8 of 12
What does APEC stand for?
Australia-Pacific Economic Co-opertation
9 of 12
What does WTO stand for?
World Trade Organisation
10 of 12
What is a quota?
A limit on an importable good/service
11 of 12
What is a trade deficit?
When a country's imports are greater than exports
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a bilateral trade agreement?


An agreement between two countries

Card 3


What is an export?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a trade surplus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an embargo?


Preview of the front of card 5
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