Stars and Space GCSE Physics AQA (higher)

blahblahblah quiz on every sentence etcetc.

How long ago was the "Big Bang" theory?
13 billion years
1 of 28
What was the universe at first?
A big ball of radiation
2 of 28
What happened in the first few minutes?
Nuclei of the lightest elements formed
3 of 28
What happened as it expanded?
The temperature fell
4 of 28
Charged/uncharged atoms were formed.
5 of 28
Dust and gas were then pulled together to form.....
6 of 28
What force was used to do this?
gravitational attraction
7 of 28
What reaction did this heat produce?
nuclear fusion
8 of 28
Then what happened?
More dust and matter formed planets
9 of 28
What are large groups of stars called?
10 of 28
What is a Universe?
a large group of galaxies
11 of 28
Gravitational forces make clouds of dust and gas become increasingly dense, what does this form?
12 of 28
As this becomes denser, it gets hotter. What happens next?
nuclei of light elements start to fuse together
13 of 28
How does this become a star?
Energy is released, and the core gets hotter and brighter
14 of 28
How long does this stage last for?
billions of years
15 of 28
Why is it stable?
Because the inward force of gravity and outward pressure of radiation are balanced
16 of 28
What is it called during this process?
a main sequence star
17 of 28
What happens when the star runs out of hydrogen nuclei?
It becomes a red giant
18 of 28
What happens next if it has a high mass?
It becomes a supernova
19 of 28
Then what?
The core of the explosion is left - a neutron star
20 of 28
What happens next if there is sufficient mass?
It becomes a black hole
21 of 28
What happens to Q18 if it has a low mass?
It becomes a white dwarf
22 of 28
Then what?
It becomes a black dwarf
23 of 28
How are chemical elements formed?
fusion processes
24 of 28
What happens?
Nuclei of lighter elements fuse together
25 of 28
Why is this?
Because it requires energy
26 of 28
How do elements get distributed through space?
by the supernova
27 of 28
What is the evidence that the sun and inner planets were formed from a supernova explosion?
they have heavier elements
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the universe at first?


A big ball of radiation

Card 3


What happened in the first few minutes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened as it expanded?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Charged/uncharged atoms were formed.


Preview of the front of card 5
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