Stalin Vs. Bukharin

Why did Stalin split from Bukharin?
When the NEP began to fail Stalin rejected it unlike Bukharin.
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What did Stalin advocate from early 1928 onwards?
Left wing idead- Rapid industrialisation and agricultural collectivisation- policies he'd previously condemded.
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How did Stalin gain supporters after his swing to the Left wing?
Removal of Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinovieve meant there were no leaders for left wing supporters= Stalin only option. Radical ideas = support of moderates who'd never fully accepted NEP
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How did Bukharin use his position to try and defeat Stalin?
Control of Soviet media- advocate his own policies and discredit oppenents. Alliance with Tomsky = power in Trade uninons. Alliance with Rykov key= head of State
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How did Stain use his position to defeat Bukharin?
Ability to manipulate appointments and promotions in party= fill Congress with supporters. General Secretary = right to issue official directives to every party member= essential in creating oppinion in party= undercut Bukharin's influence of media
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What was the ideological battle betwen Stalin and Bukharin?
Bukharin considered offical party theorist for many years- NEP deminished his prestige. Stalin growing in indeological stature- book widely read by newe recruits- ideological handbook for Stalins 'Lenin enrolment'
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How did Stalin undermine Bukharin in terms for his relationship with Lenin?
Ensured every incident of his frequent disagreements with Lenin were republished and discussed in the media.
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How did Bukharin attempt to politically undermine Stalin?
Accused him of turing to Party bureaucracy= Stalin accused his of Trotskyism becuase he was first to make this claim.
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When did Stalin know when to retreat in an argument?
Campaign against Bukharin by attacking his follower in the Party= encountered resisstance and stopped. Bukharin won a victory agaist Stain as a CC meeting= temporarily stopped grain requisitioning.
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How did Stalin use manipulation of the party to his advantage?
circulated false rumours- alliance between Zinoviev and Kamenev, so Bukharin arranged a secret meeting= Stalin used this meeting as evidence of Bukharins fractionalism.
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How was Stalin's deviousness an advantage?
Stalin arranged for Bukharins plane to be delayed twice in order to allow Bukharin to undergo medical checks.
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What effect did Stalin have by ignoring the Politburo and Central Committee and acting on his own authority?
Restarted grain requisitioning 1 month after the CC condemnd it= sabotaged the NEP and therefore Bukharins reputation.
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What was Bukharin's response to Stalins tactical manoevurings?
constantly caught out. keen to negotiate with Stalin in private and refused to publically condemn him. Chose to work within party rules= allowed stalin access to media. Little success with devious methods-used Lenin's testiment against him- unfavoura
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Stalin advocate from early 1928 onwards?


Left wing idead- Rapid industrialisation and agricultural collectivisation- policies he'd previously condemded.

Card 3


How did Stalin gain supporters after his swing to the Left wing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Bukharin use his position to try and defeat Stalin?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did Stain use his position to defeat Bukharin?


Preview of the front of card 5
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