Fully Explain Agility...
The ability to change direction at speed while maintaining control. Illinois Agility Test- start laying on front, run around cones, as quick as possible
1 of 10
Fully Explain Flexibility...
The range of movement at a joint. Sit And Reach Test- legs straight with feet against box, push marker as far as possible
2 of 10
Fully Explain Coordination...
The ability to move two or more body parts at the same time. Wall Toss Test- stand 2 meters from a wall, throw with one hand and catch with other, successful ones counted, timed
3 of 10
Fully Explain Power...
Power = Speed x Strength. Vertical Jump Test-jump as high as possible, touch the height you can get with arm extended up
4 of 10
Fully Explain Cardio-Vascular Endurance...
The ability for the heart and circulatory system to meet the demands of the body for a long period of time. Multi-Stage Fitness Test- 20 meters running distance, get to other side before the beep.
5 of 10
Fully Explain Muscular Endurance...
The ability to use voluntary muscles over long periods of time while not getting tired. Sit Up Test- complete a sit up before the beep
6 of 10
Fully Explain Balance...
Is the ability of the performer to retain their center of mass over their base of support without falling. Stork Stand Test- put right sole on left knee cap, hands on hips, go on a raise, time how long it can be held
7 of 10
Fully Explain Speed...
The time taken to cover a set distance. 30 Meter Sprint Test- run 30 meters, time how long it takes.
8 of 10
Fully Explain Reaction Time...
The time taken between the presentation of a stimulus and movement. Ruler Drop Test- hold a ruler between the thumb and index finger at 0, drop ruler by surprise, record where its caught again
9 of 10
Fully Explain Strength...
The ability to exert a large amount of force in a single max effort. Hand Grip Dynamiter Test- start with hand up and bring down to side while pulling the handle, don't swing your arm
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Fully Explain Flexibility...


The range of movement at a joint. Sit And Reach Test- legs straight with feet against box, push marker as far as possible

Card 3


Fully Explain Coordination...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Fully Explain Power...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Fully Explain Cardio-Vascular Endurance...


Preview of the front of card 5
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