Spoken language terminology

How words are pronounced
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Adjacency pair
A pair of utterances in conversation, usually conventional questions and answers
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Words used by a listener to show they are listening
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Linking of adjacency pairs so that the conversation can proceed
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A word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word eg. celeb
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Colloquial lexis
Informal language used in everyday situations
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Used to join clauses
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The temporal and spatial situations in which a text is produced and received
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A reduced form often marked by an apostrophe eg. can't
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Co-operative signals
Sounds or words which signal agreement in conversation eg. 'oh yeah'
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Words that rely on shared context eg. that, there, here
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Distinctive grammar and vocabulary associated with a location
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Discourse marker
Words and phrases which show changes of topic eg. anyway
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Discourse particle
Typical expression used in speech, not in writing eg. you know, yeah., I mean.
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The omission or slurring of sounds eg. gonna, wanna
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Missing out part of a sentence that seems unnecessary eg. 'How was your holiday?' 'Good'
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Embedded speech
When a speaker quotes from someone else
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Expressive word order
The ordering of words so as to highlight what's importance
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Positive face
Our need to feel wanted and using language to communicate this
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Negative face
The need to have freedom and not feel imposed on and using language to show this
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False start
When the speakers begins to speak and then stops to repeat or reformulate it
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items which are inserted into speech to allow time to think eg. uhh
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Holding, yielding or controlling (not allowing others to speak) Describes turn taking
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Moving the object to the front of the sentence to show it's importance
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Words which soften the force something is said with eg. perhaps, maybe
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Exaggeration for dramatic effect
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A distinct way of speaking
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A phrase which isn't literal and can't be understood by it's individual words
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Incomplete construction
An utterance which is not necessarily grammatically complete
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The way in which someone initiates speech
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Words that increase the strength of the word after it eg. too, very
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One speaker begins to talk/uses a filler to stop someone from talking
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Linking conjunctions
Conjunctions like 'and' and 'but' which are used more in speech than writing
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Negative politeness strategies
Acknowledges that people don't want to be imposed on and uses language to show this
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Non-fluency features
Typical characteristics of speech which show non-fluency eg. fillers
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Non-standard grammar
Different grammar used in speech to writing
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Where one speaker starts before the other has finished in a way which is cooperative
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Paralinguistic features
Non-verbal language eg. body language, laughter
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Phatic talk
Conversational utterances used to establish/maintain a relationship (small talk)
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Positive politeness strategies
Ensure that someone feels valued and respected by use of language
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Power dynamic
The distribution of power between the speaker and the listener
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Prosodic features
The features of speech which emphasise key meanings in a message
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The way you vary your language to make it appropriate for the situation eg. formal/informal
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When speakers/writers use the same words repeatedly to emphasise meaning
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Represented speech
Speech which is prepared and planned
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When a speaker says something and then stops to rephrase them
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Side sequence
A few sentences which deviate from the main topic of conversation
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Spontaneous speech
Unplanned speech
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Tag question
Used to check if the listener is paying attention
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Terms of address
They way we refer to others around us
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Topic shifting
Speakers change subjects very quickly
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Turn taking
Taking it in turns to influence the conversation
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A complete unit of talk which ends when the speaker stops speaking
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Vague language
Imprecise or unassertive words/statements eg. and so on
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A pair of utterances in conversation, usually conventional questions and answers


Adjacency pair

Card 3


Words used by a listener to show they are listening


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Linking of adjacency pairs so that the conversation can proceed


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word eg. celeb


Preview of the back of card 5
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