sociology - education - ethinicity and education

Explain material deprivation and how ethnic minorities may acheive lower grades (external)
- bangladeshi and pakistani and african caribeena students more likely to acheive lower grades due to having a lower income from parents and greter level of poverty and india and white are likley to be middle class as others are represnted because they re
1 of 10
Explain cultural deprivation and what can it lead to in terms of educational sucess.(external)
- ethnic groups underacheive due to inadequate socalisation into the `culture second is cultural capital is another
2 of 10
explain how parental attitudes affect educational achevements for ethnic groups?(external)
Family values - Ballard -asian parents have higher expectations more disciplined and a 'positive resource
3 of 10
explain the racism in instituions affect ethnic minorities to acheive less jobs?(external)
noon - experiment with 100 companies , different surnmaes one is patel and the other is evans and they accepted evans even though they had the same qualifactions
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language factors (external factors)
basin bernstein - african caribbea parents use the creole and patois - restricted code - educations runs under elaborated code with high m/c teachers .
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internal factors - labelling impact students in educational acheivemnt among the ethnic minorities
gillbourn and youdell - very quicker to discipline black pupils as also they found there behaviour the most challenging - lead them to be in lower sets and excluded too .
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how may pupil identities made by teachers effect ethnic minorities to acheive lower?
- idela pupil identity - white - straight -m/c boy students who acheive the right way and pathologised - w/c - deserving poor and feminised identity not thr right way
7 of 10
how does the ethnocentric curricul allowe ethnic minorities to acheive lower?
- miriam david- british culture - ignoring euopean culutures so the assesment system is rigged so superity of white culture
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how can instutuinal racism affect educational acheivement for ethnic minorities?
richrad hetcher- less language support - racism is ignored - racist comments made by the teacher - may undermine students self esteem
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how might marketisations has allowed more difference in ethnic minority?-
- marketisation - gretaer scope for negative sterotyping to infleunce decisions about school admissions . selection process screen out students with language difficulties like the ethnic minorities
10 of 10

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Card 2


Explain cultural deprivation and what can it lead to in terms of educational sucess.(external)


- ethnic groups underacheive due to inadequate socalisation into the `culture second is cultural capital is another

Card 3


explain how parental attitudes affect educational achevements for ethnic groups?(external)


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Card 4


explain the racism in instituions affect ethnic minorities to acheive less jobs?(external)


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Card 5


language factors (external factors)


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