Social Influence: ISI and NSI

What is Informational Social Influence?
A COGNITIVE process wherein a person in an ambiguous situation conforms to information provided by a group out of a desire to be right, usually in crisis situations or where there is a clear expert present
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What is Normative Social Influence?
An EMOTIONAL process where a person conforms to social norms so as to not be rejected by a group
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What is internalisation?
When an individual accepts a group norm, likely permanently. This is represented both in public and private and in the absence of a group
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What is identification?
When an individual conforms due to a group possessing a quality that the individual values. Public change is likely but privately the individual may not entirely agree with said group
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What is compliance?
The outwards appearance of conforming to a social norm but privately holding on to a different or opposing view
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Card 2


What is Normative Social Influence?


An EMOTIONAL process where a person conforms to social norms so as to not be rejected by a group

Card 3


What is internalisation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is identification?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is compliance?


Preview of the front of card 5


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