Self confidence

What are the 6 sources which feed into bandoras model of self efficacy?
Past experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal, physiological state and imaginal experiences
1 of 5
What does veal's sport confidence model basically state?
A situation has an effect on your state confidence causing a certain performance outcome, the result (success/failure) feeds back into trait confidence and competitive orientation which therefore affects, performance in same situation in future
2 of 5
How can self confidence be built?
Through accomplishments, acting confidently, thinking confidently, physical conditioning, imagery and preparation
3 of 5
How can self confidence be assessed?
Sport confidence inventory- questions on confidence at certain points in a match
4 of 5
Give 3 benefits of self confidence
Facilitates concentration, people are more likely to set challenging goals and increases the effort put in
5 of 5

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Card 2


What does veal's sport confidence model basically state?


A situation has an effect on your state confidence causing a certain performance outcome, the result (success/failure) feeds back into trait confidence and competitive orientation which therefore affects, performance in same situation in future

Card 3


How can self confidence be built?


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Card 4


How can self confidence be assessed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give 3 benefits of self confidence


Preview of the front of card 5


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