Section 5

  • Created by: Jordan
  • Created on: 10-01-13 17:47
Refugee Problem
1000s of refugees fleeing to West, propaganda disaster, claimed Berlin as own, gave Western troops 6 months to leave
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Failed Negotiations
May, Sept. 1959- relatively successful, Krushchev withdraws ultimatum, 1960- US spy plane shot down over USSR, Eisenhower=no apology, Krush. walks out
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Krushchev and Kennedy
1961- Ken.+ Krush. meet, Krush. thinks can take advantage of inexperience=reissues ulitmatum, Ken.= not backdown
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Berlin Wall
1961- Krush. can't force out troops, puts up barbed wire fence around East and West Berlin, reinforced to heavily guarded wall
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Krush. avoids war+ appears strong, Ken. visits West Berlin and expresses empathy, 'ich bin ein Berliner'
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Arms Race
Both sides have stats to frighten others, USA= concerned over size of USSR's, USSR=concerned at proximity of USA's
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Cuban Revolution
1959- Fidel Castro leads revolt against pro-American govt., USA ban import of Cuban sugar= threatens to bankrupt, USSR help
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Bay of Pigs
1961- CIA trains Cuban refugees, try to assassinate Castro, fail due to lack of support
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Cuban Missile Bases
Castro feels vulnerable, USSR agrees to place missile bases there, balance US presence in Turkey
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Hawks and Doves
Advisors= split, Hawk- advice aggression, war= inevitable, Doves- work for peace, diplomatic strategy
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Thirteen Days
Oct. 1962- Ken. discovers plan, naval blockade around Cuba, Krush. says will break through but turns around, Krush. agrees withdrawal (Cuba must be left alone), adds removal of US presence in Turkey, Ken. agrees so long as removal= secret
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Immediate Consequences
1963- hotline set up between USA+ USSR, Limited Test Ban Treaty, start of Detente
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Long Term Consequences
1965- MAD means both sides have reason to not start a war 1966- France leaves NATO
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mid 60s- run by secret police, shortages, Antonin Novotny unpopular
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1968- becomes leader of Czechoslovakia, wants to introduce 'socialism with a human face'
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Prague Spring
1968- riots/demos, want to escape communist control, welcomed by younger generations
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Brezhnev Doctrine
1968- says USSR has right to invade any satellite states that threaten communism/Eastern Bloc etc, said Dubcek was undermining the Warsaw Pact
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Soviet Invasion
1968- re-establish communist control, Dubcek arrested+ taken to Moscow, forced to sign Moscow Protocol
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America's Reaction
Already fighting war against communism in Vietnam, condemns the attack but doesn't act, Western Europe follows lead
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Divisions in Communism
French+ Italian communist parties- codemn+distance selves from Soviet party=Eurocommunism, Yugoslavia+ Romania- condemn+distance selves, ally with China
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Card 2


May, Sept. 1959- relatively successful, Krushchev withdraws ultimatum, 1960- US spy plane shot down over USSR, Eisenhower=no apology, Krush. walks out


Failed Negotiations

Card 3


1961- Ken.+ Krush. meet, Krush. thinks can take advantage of inexperience=reissues ulitmatum, Ken.= not backdown


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Card 4


1961- Krush. can't force out troops, puts up barbed wire fence around East and West Berlin, reinforced to heavily guarded wall


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Card 5


Krush. avoids war+ appears strong, Ken. visits West Berlin and expresses empathy, 'ich bin ein Berliner'


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