Origins of the Cold War

  • Created by: tico
  • Created on: 02-10-17 23:45
When was the Truman Doctrine Announced?
March 12 1947
1 of 14
What was the main Policy of The Truman Doctrine?
Containment to stop the spread of communism
2 of 14
The Marshall Plan is also known as what?
Marshall aid
3 of 14
How much did European nations receive in Marshal Aid?
13.7 billion dollars
4 of 14
Name three nations who received Marshall Aid?
Uk Turkey West Germany
5 of 14
What was Stalin’s response to The Marshall Plan and The Truman Doctrine?
Stalin formed Cominfor and Comecon
6 of 14
What was Cominform?
The association of communist parties from all over Europe
7 of 14
Germany was split into how many sections after WW2?
8 of 14
Which nations were stationed in each section?
9 of 14
What happened to Berlin?
It was divided into 4 sections
10 of 14
In March 1948, the Western powers decided to unite their zones of Germany into a single economic unit known as what?
11 of 14
Name two causes of The Berlin Airlift?
Berlin blockade and Marshall Aid
12 of 14
The Berlin Crisis led to the creation of what?
13 of 14
What was The Soviet response to NATO?
North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation
14 of 14

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Card 2


What was the main Policy of The Truman Doctrine?


Containment to stop the spread of communism

Card 3


The Marshall Plan is also known as what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How much did European nations receive in Marshal Aid?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name three nations who received Marshall Aid?


Preview of the front of card 5
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