The effects of the Depression

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 28-03-14 19:45
What is the sentence which helps you remember the affects?
Some Farmers Were Handling Hardship Very Badly
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Section 1: Statistics
Section 1: Statistics
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In 1931, how many people were put in hospital due to starvation?
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What did international trade slump from in 1929 to 1932?
From $10 billion to $3 billion,
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How many banks went bankrupt between 1929 and 1932?
5,000 banks
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In 1932, what fraction of Americans had their homes repossessed?
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In 1932, what fraction of farmers lost their farms?
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In 1932, how many companies went out of business?
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By 1933, what percentage had industrial production fallen by?
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By 1933, what percentage had prices fallen by?
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By 1933, what percentage had wages fallen by?
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By 1933, What percentage had share prices fallen by?
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By 1933, what percentage of people were unemployed?
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Section 2: Farmers
Section 2: Farmers
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By 1933, what percentage had farm income dropped by comapred to 1929?
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How much could farmers afford compared to what they could afford in 1929?
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What did the MidWesr suffer in farms? What was the name of it and what was it?
The 'Dust Bowl' where dry winds pickec up fertile sopil and removed it.
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After farmers couldnt afford to keep their farms, where did they go and what did they do?
Most went to California for fruit picking,
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Why was there reduced export opportunities?
Due to tariffs
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Section 3: Welfare and Unemployment
Section 3: Welfare and Unemployment
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How many people committed suicide in 1932 alone?
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What did many unemployed people do to get money? What jobs did they do?
They looked through rubbish and begged and tried to find jobs like selling newspapers, shoe shining etc,
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What did some towns set up for the unemployed?
Soup Kitchens and organised charity hand outs,
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In 1929, 1932 and 33, what percentage of the workforce were unemployed
1929-2.3%, 1932-23% 1933-25%
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Pay was reducedl. What was wages decreased from in manufacturing a week in 1929 and in 1932?
In 1929- it was $28 a week but in 1932, it was $22
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What kind of people were mainly unemployed and waht percentage of these people were unemployed in Memphis?
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Section 4: Hobos and Hoovervilles
Section 4: Hobos and Hoovervilles
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What were 'hobos'? What did they do?
'Hobos' travelled around looking for jobs
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How did 'Hobos' travel?
They travalled illegally in box cars on American railways,
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Where did Homeless people go to live and what were these places called?
'Hoovervilles' is where they went and people amde these houses themselves,
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By 1933, how many Americans were travelling around?
1 million
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Section 5: hatred of Hoover
Section 5: hatred of Hoover
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Why didn;t the government get involved with the market when the crash was occuring? (policies)
They believed in 'laissez-faire' and 'rugged individualism' so they stuck to the belief that if they left the economy it would look after iteself,
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What did they do to Tariffs?
They raised prices on other goods which made the depression worse,
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As well as 'Hoovervilles', what was there also?
'Hoover leather' which was cardboard soles and 'Hoover blankets' which was newspapers,
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Section 6: Violence
Section 6: Violence
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When banks tired to re-posses money, waht did farmers do?
They got togethjer and drove them off with pitchforks,
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Section 7: Bonus Army
Section 7: Bonus Army
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In 1945, what did the Government promise to who?
They primised a 'bonus' would be paid to war veterans
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As the depression hit, what did the veterans demand now?
the bonus
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What was organised in washington and how many camped out in 1932?
A march was organised and 20,000 camped outside,
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What was the Senate's decision to the request but what did hoover offer?
They over rulled it on grounds of cost but Hoover offered $100,000 for transport back,
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What was the veterans actions?
They camped closer and refused to move,
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What did Hoove fear from the corwd so what did he do?
He feared an act of violence so called in troops and used tear gas to move marchers,
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How many died and how many injured?
2 died and 1000 injured,
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EXTRA: Section 8: Imports and exports
EXTRA: Section 8: Imports and exports
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What does higher tariffs on American goods on other countries mean?
It means less people in foreign countries will buy the AMerican goods as they are more expensive so this reduced the profits coming in from other countries and reduced their market,
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Why did Germay collapse?
As the Dawes and Young Plan were removed when the Wall Street Crash occured,
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What is the gold standard?
The amount og gold a country had which was the currency,
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The gold standard isnt usd anymore. what did this mean for American goods?
It meant there was less dollars to the pound, making American goods more expensive abroad,
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EXTRA: Secgtion 9: Who werent affected
EXTRA: Secgtion 9: Who werent affected
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what percentage of the workforce were still employed?
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What building projects were funded by the Republicans and the dates?
Empire State Buildin-1931, Hoover Dam, 1936, Golden Gate Bridge, 1937
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what grew in 1938 and carried more 1 million passengers a year?
Air travel
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How was the entertainment industry successful? Give two examples?
Cinemas- there was 110 million going a week, Bingo, Jazz
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What was first established in 1939?
The first television channel
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What industries were successful?
Chemical industries from Germany like dyes nylon and industries related to cars like glass, rubber, and new electrical goods
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Section 1: Statistics


Section 1: Statistics

Card 3


In 1931, how many people were put in hospital due to starvation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did international trade slump from in 1929 to 1932?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many banks went bankrupt between 1929 and 1932?


Preview of the front of card 5
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