Schizophrenia-key words

the reduction, difficulty or inability to have goal-directed behaviour
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firmly held incorrect beliefs that are caused by distortions of reasoning or misinterpretations of experiences.
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Distortions or exaggerations of perception in any of the senses
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Negative Symptoms
appear to reflect a decree or loss of normal functioning
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Positive Symptoms
appear to reflect an excess or distortion of normal functioning
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a type of psychosis characterised by a disruption of cognition and emotion
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Speech Poverty
the lessening of speech fluency and productivity which reflects slowing or blocked thoughts
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the extent that 2 or more conditions occur simultaneously in a patient
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rules, morals or customs ect that bind a group together and define how they are likely to behave.
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Affective Flattening
a reduction in the range and intensity of emotional expression
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A loss of interest in all activities and a lack of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli.
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Dopamine Hypothesis
The biological explanation that suggests too much dopamine is realesed into the brain causing schizophrenia.
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Neural correlates
The biological approach that suggests schizophrenia is caused by structural abnormalities in the brain.
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Basal Ganglia
area of the brain that contributes to paranoia and hallucinations
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Auditory System
area of the brain that when there is overactivity in the speech area it can create auditory hallucinations
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Frontal Lobe
area of the brain that when has pertubing thoughts it can lead to difficulty in planning actions and organisation
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Limbic System
area of the brain involved in emotion and disturbances are thought to contribute to agitation frequency in sz
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area of the brain that mediates learning and memory with intertwined functions that are impaired in schixophrenia
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Occipital Lobe
area of the brain that when experiencing disturbances can cause difficulties in interpreting complex imaging
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Family Dysfunction
psychological explanation of schizophrenia that sees maladaptive relationships and patterns of communication in families as a source of stress.
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cognitive monitoring of one's own thought processes
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Antipsychotic drugs
drugs that do not cure schizophrenia but allow a degree of normal functioning
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Typical antipsychotics
the first generation of antipsychotic drugs that reduce the effects of dopamine
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Atypical antpsychotics
the newer generation of antipsychotic drugs that act on dopamine system and block serotonin receptors.
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Card 2


firmly held incorrect beliefs that are caused by distortions of reasoning or misinterpretations of experiences.



Card 3


Distortions or exaggerations of perception in any of the senses


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Card 4


appear to reflect a decree or loss of normal functioning


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Card 5


appear to reflect an excess or distortion of normal functioning


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