RS: Year 9 Term 2: The Big Bang Theory

Do Christians agree with the Big Bang theory? (3)
Some do: Liberals accept it due to evidence but devout creationists reject it due to its contradiction of Genesis
1 of 5
Do Muslims agree with the Big Bang theory? (3)
Most don't; Muslims are usually literalists so it contradicts their creation stories but some believe it is compatable
2 of 5
Do Jews agree with the Big Bang theory? (3)
Some do, some don't; Orthodox Jews tend towards a literalist rejection but Reform Jews tend towards scientific compatibility.
3 of 5
Do the Eastern religions believe in the Big Bang? (2)
Yes because of their cyclical worldview
4 of 5
What evidence is there for the Big Bang? (3)
CMB, distribution of galaxies (inflation), Expansion of universe rewound
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Do Muslims agree with the Big Bang theory? (3)


Most don't; Muslims are usually literalists so it contradicts their creation stories but some believe it is compatable

Card 3


Do Jews agree with the Big Bang theory? (3)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Do the Eastern religions believe in the Big Bang? (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What evidence is there for the Big Bang? (3)


Preview of the front of card 5


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