Roman Republic.


1. Which of these was not a reform that Gaius Gracchus brought?

  • Juries could now include Equites
  • Roman citizenship could be extended to all Roman provinces
  • Establishing a corn dole, public works, roads, adequates and granaries
  • Individuals had the right to a trail in cases caring the death penalty
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these facts about the redistribution of land is incorrect?

  • The majority of senators were pleased with this idea as it would give power back to Roman Citizens
  • Octavius vetoed these laws so they were never actually put in place
  • iberius proposed a redistribution of occupied but now owned Ager Publicus' so that the plebs could take back some land
  • Tiberius was attacked and killed because he was accused of seeking to make himself a king

3. Which of these facts about Gaius Marius is not true?

  • He won his first consulship by promising the people that he would either kill or capture Jugurtha
  • He was a Novus Homo
  • He was a consul 11 times
  • He was elected as consul the second time whilst in Africa

4. Which of these facts about the Ager Publicus is incorrect?

  • Foreign conquest proved to be a problem for the plebs cultivating the land
  • They were the estates owned by landowners, cultivated by slaves
  • They were the large tracts of land used to hold colonies of slaves
  • The Ager Publicus' came from Italina peninsula

5. Which of these facts about Tiberius Gracchus is incorrect?

  • He was born into an uninfluential Plebeian family
  • He wanted to improve the lives of the plebs because of (1) the lad distribution crisis and (2) the influctuation of slaves
  • He was a war hero of the Punic wars
  • He was a tribune


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