Religious changes under Mary I

  • Created by: lilac123
  • Created on: 23-02-21 10:20
What was Mary's aim?
To restore Roman Catholicism (pre break from Rome-1533)
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What were the 3 main problems Mary faced in restoring the English church to papal supremacy and catholicism?
- Protestantism, had still attracted a decent amount of support in London and parts of the south
- The Protestant Church of England was protected in statute law
- Many members of the political elite, on whose support Mary depended upon, were unwilling to
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Act of Supremacy 1554
Restored Pope's authority (repealed father's law from 1537)
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Restores the Six Articles in 1553
Reasserted traditional Catholic doctrine as the basis of faith for the English Church.
It refused to pass a bill punishing those who refuse to attend church services
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Attitude towards Protestants 1553
-Protestant printing presses were closed
-Foreign Protestants ordered to leave the realm
-800 English Protestants fled to Europe
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Role of Cardinal Pole
-in 1555 he agreed to grant papal absolution if Henrician religious legislation were removed and heresy laws were reinstated
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Burnings of the Protestants 1555
-280 burned in her reign
-those from the lower class were burned (unfair- John Rogers)
-people would chuck gunpowder at the stake to reduce pain
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Key Protestant figures burned at the stake
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Book of Homilies in 1556
-Pole commissioned a new book of Homilies
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Burning of Thomas Cranmer: 21st March 1556
-he made several recantations and apparently reconciled himself with the Catholic Church.

-on the day of his execution, he withdrew his recantations, to die a heretic to Catholics and a martyr for the principles of the English Reformation.
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Mary's religious policies were a success?
-no uprisings against her religious policies (could argue Wyatt was religiously motivated, only a minority)
-successfully achieved her aims of restoring Catholicism
-restored Papal authority
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Mary's religious policies were a failure?
-the burnings of the Protestants conveyed Mary as desperate and a failure due to the drastic measures she carried out to enforce Catholicism

-remembered as Bloody Mary due to her bloodthirsty acts
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How many Protestant bishops were immediately deprived of their livings and some even imprisoned?
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When did Mary's first Parliament meet and what 4 things did it do?
-October 1553
- Passed the first statute of repeal which repealed all religious legislation from Edward's reign
- Order of the service at the time of Henry VIII's death was restored
- All clergy who had married when permitted to do so could be deprived of
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How many clergy members and gentry members were burnt at the stake?
Clergy: 21 members
Gentry: 8 members
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How many copies is it estimated were in circulation during Mary's reign of the 1552 prayer book and why was this a major issue?
19,000 copies - was protestant, so was more than enough to sustain a large protestant underground movement
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What is evidence that shows how Mary's attempts to prevent the spread of banned writers somewhat failed?
Both Latimer and Ridley were imprisoned in Oxford, yet still managed to create and distribute pamphlets
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Other examples of violence
-under Henry VIII(36 year reign) between 57000 and 72000
-1572 Catherine de’Medici was responsible for the religiously motivated St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, which led to deaths between 2000 and 70000.
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Card 2


What were the 3 main problems Mary faced in restoring the English church to papal supremacy and catholicism?


- Protestantism, had still attracted a decent amount of support in London and parts of the south
- The Protestant Church of England was protected in statute law
- Many members of the political elite, on whose support Mary depended upon, were unwilling to

Card 3


Act of Supremacy 1554


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Card 4


Restores the Six Articles in 1553


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Card 5


Attitude towards Protestants 1553


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