The social impact of religious and economic changes under Mary I


Religious changes under Mary and its social impact

Mary's greatest desire was to restore the Catholic faith and monastries in England. This desire wasn't unpopular. For many areas, local people had been restoring Catholic practices before Mary's government ordered religious changes, showing that Protestantism was far established in 1553. However, Mary continued carefully since she had to resolve several problems.

Problem- A strong Protestant minority in London and other southern areas. Reformed Protestant English Church was created under motioned law. Many members of political elites, who support Mary needed, had gained Church land, with no intention of giving it back. 

Action: Beginning of reign- Some important Protestant clergy, including 7 bishops were proverty-stricken by livings. Foreign protestants were ordered to leave England, and around 80 MPs vote against Mary's religious changes in her first parliament.

Action: 1st Parliament (October 1553)- Edward's religious policies were repealed but the Church of England's legal status was confirmed. The church was then restored to its 1547 state. Clergy who were married could be poverty-stricken by livings.

Problem- Pope Julius III demanded…


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