religion&beliefs New Religious Movements

  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 05-03-19 10:35
what 3 NRM's does Roy Wallis suggest?
world rejecting, world affirming and world accommodating
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what are the characteristics of world rejecting NRM?
highly critical of the outside world, members must have a sharp break from their former life
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what are world rejecting NRMS's accused of?
accused of brainwashing their members as it controls all aspects of their life
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who are an example of world rejecting NRM's?
The Moonies
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what is the one characteristic of world accommodating NRM's?
they neither accept of reject the world
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what do world accommodating NRM's focus on?
focus on the religious rather than the worldly matters, seeking to restore spiritual purity of religion
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who are an example of world accommodating NRM's?
neo- pentecostalists, they believe that other christian religions have lost the holy spirit. members tend to live conventional lives
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what are world affirming NRM's?
these groups lack some of the conventional features such as collective worship and some are not highly organised
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what do world affirming NRM's offer their members?
these groups offer their members access to spiritual or supernatural powers
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do world affirming reject or accept the outside world?
they accept the world as it is
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what do they promise their followers?
success in terms of mainstream goals and values, such as careers and personal relationships
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Card 2


what are the characteristics of world rejecting NRM?


highly critical of the outside world, members must have a sharp break from their former life

Card 3


what are world rejecting NRMS's accused of?


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Card 4


who are an example of world rejecting NRM's?


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Card 5


what is the one characteristic of world accommodating NRM's?


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