Bruce: Religion and Social Protest: Conclusion

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  • Bruce: Religion and Social Protest: Conclusion
    • The New Christian Right has failed because of the basic liberal and democratic values of most of American society.
      • These Values include:
        • Separation of Church and state
        • Few believe in a "theocracy" (rule by religious leaders).
      • According to numerous surveys most Americans are for legalising things that they personally find immoral.
        • However, the New Christian Right believes the literal truth of the Bible and insists that everyone should be made to conform to its teaching.
          • You cannot create a mature democracy with this belief.
    • New Christian Right in Comparison with the American Civil Rights Movement.
      • To achieve success, the beliefs and demands of religiously motivated protest movements and pressure groups need to be consistent with those of wider society.
        • Groups must connect with the mainstream beliefs about democracy and religious freedom.
        • The New Christian Right has failed to do to this whereas The American Civil Rights movement has succeeded.


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