Relationships; Physical Attractiveness

Physical Attractiveness
A factor in formatic on relationships, usually applies to how appealling we find a person's face. Theres general agreement about what is considered physically attractive. An assumption we seek to form relationships with the most attractive person.
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Matching Hypothesis
The belief that we don't select the most attractive person as a partner, but are attracted to the people who match us physically implying we take into account our own attractiveness value to others when seeking partners.
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Shackelford and Larsen (1997) - Importance of Physical Attractiveness
Found people with symmetrical faces are seen as more attractive, seen as signs of genetic fitness. Neotenous (babyface) features are attractive as they trigger caring instincts, a valuable resource in reproductive females.
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Dion (1972) - The Halo Effect
Found physically attractive people are rated as kind, sociable and successful meaning we act more positively towards them. Halo effect describes how one feature have influence on our judgements of a person's other attributes.
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Walster ( 1966) - Matching Hypothesis
People choose partners who are the same levels of attractiveness as them, basically a compromise. We desire the most attractive but balance this with the fear of rejection by someone 'out of our league'.
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Towhey (1979) - Individual Difference
Asked people to rate how much they would like a person bases on a photo, completed a questionnaire using MACHO scale. Those who scored highly were more influenced by physical attractiveness of the person in the photo. Low scorers were less sensitive.
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Feingold (1988) - Research Supporting Matching Hypothesis
Meta-analysis on 17 studies and found significant correlation in ratings of attractiveness between partners. More realistic approach as looked at real-life couples.
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Card 2


Matching Hypothesis


The belief that we don't select the most attractive person as a partner, but are attracted to the people who match us physically implying we take into account our own attractiveness value to others when seeking partners.

Card 3


Shackelford and Larsen (1997) - Importance of Physical Attractiveness


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Card 4


Dion (1972) - The Halo Effect


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Card 5


Walster ( 1966) - Matching Hypothesis


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