RE - chapter 3 - The Trinity

what is the doctrine of the trinity say about the trinity
one god made known in three persons, that all three persons are equal
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what does the catechism say about the Trinity
the Trinity is one. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in tree persons'
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what is the difference between the 'Triune God'and the 'Trinity'
'Triune' God focuses on the one-ness of God and the 'Trinity' focuses on the Three-ness of God - the creation narritive - 'in the begginig God created the heavens and the Earth...and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters - genesis 1
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where did the word 'Trinity' come from
the trinity is clearly seen at the baptism of Jesus, 'you are my son who i love' - 'the spirit descending on him like a dove'
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what quote shows that Jewish religion is monotheistic
''hear, o israel: The lord our God, the lord is one" Deuteronomy 6:4
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what quotes from creation story are examples of the Trinity
'let us make mankind in our image. so God created mankind in his own image, the image of God he created them; male and female he created them' (genesis 1:26-27)
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what are the bases of all Catholics beliefs
scripture, tradition, magisterium
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What is the 'Magesterium'
the official teaching of the Catholic church, it is based on the concept of 'apostolic succession'
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Quote on the magesterium
'and i tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, i will build my church' and ' i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven' (Matthew 16:18-19) - the keys represent having authority
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who was the first pope
the first pope was Peter,
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why is it important to have a magesterium
having an official teaching body is useful for settling disputes, when a new issue cannot be resolved by appeal to the bible alone, the church calls a council to agree official church teaching
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what is an example of a coucil agreeing on something
Aruis said that ' there was [a time] when he [Jesus] was not' and the council called and Nicaea produced a Creed to combat Arian Heresy - 'consubstantial with the father', 'begotten, not made'
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what is an example of a council agreeing on something
later some people challenged the divinity of the Holy Spirit, a council called Constantinople in 381 made some adjustments to the creed: 'with the father and the son is adored and glorified'
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What does the Nicene Creed teach on the Trinity
structure - clear and distinct section for each person of the Trinity, illustrates the role of the persons in the trinity - emphasizes the equality of the three persons
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what were the thoughts of St Augustine about the Trinity
'God is Love' - (1 John 4;8) - true love is a trinity of lover, beloved and the love that binds them together in one - the lover is God the Father, the beloved is the son and the love is the Holy spirit, God is not dependent on creation -
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what were the thoughts of Catherine LaCugna about the Trinity
she agreed that love is at the hear of the nature of God - God and the son have always existed - God came to Earht in the incarnation of Jesus and how he returned through Redemption - Through the holy spirit God is present in the lives of humans
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Quote from LaCugna
'the doctrine of the Trinity summarises what is means to participate in the life of God through Jesus Christ in the Spirit' - Economic trinity
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how does the Church share God's love
in 2 main ways - Evangelism- share God's love through words and telling people about God's love, Mission - being sent out with a purpose, sharing God's love through actions eg running hospices
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why do Catholics use music in worship
enhances peoples experience of the liturgy, adds delight to liturgy, inspires people and prevokes emotions, demonstrates unity, gives greater purpose and direction
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Quote for using music in worship
'sacred song united to the words forms a necessary or integral part of the liturgy (sacrosanctum concillium)
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What music do catholics use in worship
1. Plainchant - unaccompanied singing, singing parts in latin, creates spiritual atmosphere 2. Traditional hymns - songs using by whole congregation well known 3. Contemporary worship songs - modern style of music more vibrant and deeper sense of spr
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What music do catholics use in worship
4. Psalm - essential part of daily catholic prayer sung by choirs in response 5. Mass setting - mass parts or 'acclamations' set to common tune or style - helps people feel more involved
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what music can be used in the mass
the gloria - hymn of praise to God, Alleluia - song of praise means 'praise God', Sanctus - song of holiness of God sung before the Eucharist, Mystery of Faith - importance of death and ressurection
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what is the meaning of baptism
it is a 'sign of initiation' used since the birth of the church
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what is the importance of baptism
1. death resurrection - 'all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? we were buried with him through baptism (Romans 6:3-5) 2. Forgiveness of sin - dies and re-born a door to the church, cleansing from sin
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what is the importance of baptism
3. The Holy spirit - receives the gifts of the holy spirit, makes the person holy 4. obedience and commitment - commitment to follow Christ
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Advantages of Traditional prayer
the person doesn't have to worry about what to say and connect deeper, comforting and familiar at times of grief or difficulty, can help build community
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disadvantages of Traditional prayer
they do not always feel personal
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Advantages of Spontaneous prayer
feel more personal, deepen relationship with God, more genuine
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disadvantages of Spontaneous prayer
it can become self-centred and less useful in a group
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kneeling - humbly submit to God's will, Genuflection - show respect to the presence of Christ, prostrating - shows desire for God mercy 4. sitting - shows wanting to spend time with God, 5. Arms raised - shows focus of God
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the catechism say about the Trinity


the Trinity is one. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in tree persons'

Card 3


what is the difference between the 'Triune God'and the 'Trinity'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


where did the word 'Trinity' come from


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what quote shows that Jewish religion is monotheistic


Preview of the front of card 5
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