Biblical understandings of God as Trinity

  • Created by: juliska
  • Created on: 24-11-18 18:57
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  • Biblical understanding of God as Trinity
    • The threefold nature of God is hinted at the Old Testaments:
      • In Genesis, God speaks the Word to create and the spirit hovers over creation.
      • The prophet Isaiah claims that God sends his Word and Spirit to create and guide.
    • God as the Trinity is clearly referred to in the New Testaments:
      • Jesus' final words in Matthew are to make disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • St Paul makes several references to the Trinity in his letters.
      • St Peter begins his first letter with a reference to the Trinity.
    • The Gospel accounts of the baptism of Jesus shows that God is the Trinity:
      • God the Son goes into the Jordan to be baptised.
      • As he is being baptised, God the Holy Spirit descends like a dove and resets on him.
      • God the Father speaks from heaven, announcing that this is his beloved Son.
    • Belief in God as a Trinity of persons is important for Catholics because:
      • The Trinity helps Catholics understand the different ways that God has shown his presence in the world:
        • God the Father helps Catholics understand God's power and creativity and his care for the world and its people.
        • God the Son helps the Catholics understand the love of God, the sacrifice of God leading to salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life.
        • God the Holy Spirit helps Catholics understand the presence of God in the world and the strengths that it brings to Catholics.
    • Sources of wisdom and authority
      • In Genesis chapter 1, God speaks the Word to create and the Spirit hovers over creation.
      • Jesus' final words in Matthew tells the disciples to baptise converts in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


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