Qualitative Research, Methods Lecture 2

What are the five defining features of qualitative research according to Denzin & Lincoln, 2000?
Concern with the richness of description, Capturing the Individual's Perspective, Rejection of Positivism and Use of Post Modern Perspectives, Adherence to post modern sensibility, Examination of the contraints of everyday life.
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What sort of data to qualitative researchers prefer with regards to richness of description?
Data that is rich in descriptive attributes i.e. in depth interviews, focus groups.
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What should a final thematic analysis be a good representation of?
Everyone in the sample- qualitative analysis is founded in respect of individuality.
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What is Positivism?
An approach to the study of society that relies specifically on strictly 'scientific' experiements and statistics to give an insight into how a given society operates.
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What is the epistemological position held by a positivist?
Scientific research should be based on value free, empirical observation
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What does the post- positivist view argue about our knowledge of reality?
Reality can only be approximate, and that there are likely to be multiple versions of that reality.
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What are the six different kinds of mixed methods designs?
Sequential (Explanatory, exploratory, transformative) and Concurrent (triangulation, nested, transformative)
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Describe a sequential explanatory design?
Qualitative data helps to explain or build upon initial quantitative results.
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Describe a sequential exploratory design?
Qualitative method helps develop or inform the quantitative method
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In what kind of design would it be appropriate to test aspects of an emergent theory or to explore a phenomenon in depth and then measure its prevalence?
Sequential exploratory
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Describe a sequential transformative design?
Either method may be used first and the priority may be given to either the quantitative or qualitative phase. The aim is that a specific ideology or advocacy is more important in guiding the study than the use of methods alone.
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What is the purpose of a sequential transformative design?
To best serve the theoretical perspective of the researcher.
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Describe a concurrent triangulation design?
Researchers implement quantitative and qual methods during the same timeframe and they are given equal weight.
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Describe a concurrent nested design?
One data set provides a supportive/secondary role in a study primarily based on the other data type.
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What is the premise of a concurrent nested design?
A single data set is not sufficient and different questions need to be answered which require different types of data.
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Describe a concurrent transformative design?
Design is guided by use of a specific theoretical perspective, but different types of data are collected at the same time and may have equal or unequal priority.
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What are the weaknesses of mixed methods approaches?
complex design, may be time consuming and expensive, difficult finding researchers with good experience of both approaches, methodological purists argue researchers should pick one or the other, not clear how to interpret any conflicting results.
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What is reflexivity in qualitative research?
A researcher's conscious awareness that own preconceptions and beliefs may be bringing something to your interpretation of the data: need to make sure you are not biasing your interpretation of the data.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What sort of data to qualitative researchers prefer with regards to richness of description?


Data that is rich in descriptive attributes i.e. in depth interviews, focus groups.

Card 3


What should a final thematic analysis be a good representation of?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Positivism?


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Card 5


What is the epistemological position held by a positivist?


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