Product Design-Entire Specification

What are the 3 main types of polymer?
Elastomers, Thermosets and Thermoplastics
1 of 10
Characteristics and uses of ABS
ABS is a thermoplastic. It is high impact, scratch resistant and lightweight. Suitable for Toys (Lego), mobile phone cases and safety helmets
2 of 10
Characteristics and uses of Nylon
Nylon is a thermoplastic. It is tough, hard wearing and has a low coefficient of friction. It is used for bearings, gears and clothing
3 of 10
Characteristics and uses of Acrylic
Acrylic is a thermoplastic. It is durable, food safe and easily machined. It is used for illuminated signs, lenses for car lights and other light units
4 of 10
Characteristics and uses of PET
PET is a thermoplastic. Its main characteristic is moderate chemical resistance. It is used for blow molded bottles and clothing.
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Characteristics and uses of HIPS
HIPS is a thermoplastic. It has good impact resistance, good stiffness and is lightweight. It is used for Toys and refrigerator linings.
6 of 10
Characteristics and uses of expanded polystyrene
Expanded polystyrene is a thermoplastic. It has low strength but floats and is a good sound and heat insulator. It is used for packaging, disposable cups and sound/heat insulation.
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Characteristics and uses of low density polyethylene
Low density polyethylene is a thermoplastic. It is low density (lightweight), has good chemical resistance and is rigid. It is used for detergent bottles, toys and carrier bags.
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Characteristics and uses of high density polyethylene
High density polyethylene is a thermoplastic. It is high density, has good chemical resistance and is rigid. It is used for crates, bottles and window frames.
9 of 10
Characteristics and uses of uPVC
uPVC is a thermoplastic. It is resistance to weathering, has good chemical resistance and can be coloured. It is used for flexible hose and cable insulation.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


ABS is a thermoplastic. It is high impact, scratch resistant and lightweight. Suitable for Toys (Lego), mobile phone cases and safety helmets


Characteristics and uses of ABS

Card 3


Nylon is a thermoplastic. It is tough, hard wearing and has a low coefficient of friction. It is used for bearings, gears and clothing


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Acrylic is a thermoplastic. It is durable, food safe and easily machined. It is used for illuminated signs, lenses for car lights and other light units


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


PET is a thermoplastic. Its main characteristic is moderate chemical resistance. It is used for blow molded bottles and clothing.


Preview of the back of card 5
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