Processor Management with OS

  • Created by: lordHan
  • Created on: 26-11-17 15:02
What are interrupts?
Signals from components of a computer that gets the attention of the CPU.
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What types of interrupts are there?
Hardware, Program and Input/Output
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What is an example of a hardware interrupt?
The shutdown of the computer triggered by pressing the off switch
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What is an example of a program interrupt?
Illegal instruction detected
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What is an example of an input/output interrupt?
Completion of data transfer between devices
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What do interrupts do?
Move the CPU onto another task if it is of higher priority
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What is a stack used for?
To keep track of where the CPU was before an interrupt
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What is scheduling?
A process that gives the illusion of a multitasking computer by arranging the way tasks are processed.
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What does the Round Robin algorithm do?
Gives each task a time slice, and if it is not completed by the end of it it is added back onto the end of the queue
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What does the First come, First Served algorithm do?
Executes tasks in the order of being added
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What does the shortest job first algorithm do?
Organizes the queue according to size and then executes accordingly
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What does the shortest remaining time algorithm do?
Executes whichever task has the shortest time left for executing, also allowing added processes to take over the currently running process
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What types of interrupts are there?


Hardware, Program and Input/Output

Card 3


What is an example of a hardware interrupt?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an example of a program interrupt?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an example of an input/output interrupt?


Preview of the front of card 5
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