Poetry: Power and Conflict - Rhyme Schemes

What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Ozymandias
irregular rhyme scheme
shows lack of control by ruler
1 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in London
ABAB rhyme scheme
sounds like nursery rhyme; innocence contrasts with the suffering in poem
2 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in The Prelude
blank verse
to show lack of control over nature and how little power man has
3 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in My Last Duchess
AABB rhyme scheme
sounds like a song, contrasts with disturbing content
4 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Exposure
unusual rhyme scheme shows how war is not how he expected
but regularity of pattern shows how war is unchanging
5 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Storm On The Island
blank verse
makes it feel like it's happening right there, spoken to.
6 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Bayonet
free verse shows the chaotic and unpredictable nature of war
7 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Remains
free verse shows natural, speech-like feel and shows his unstable mind
8 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Poppies
blank verse shows the irregularity of her thoughts and logic, the confusion she faces about whether she's doing the right thing or not.
9 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in War Photographer
regular structure contrasts with suffering content
10 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Checking Out Me History
irregular; represents the unfinished nature of his knowledge of his history
in parts concerning black and white history there's an AAAA rhyme scheme, showing how Agard wants to end segregation through literary unification
11 of 12
What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Kamikaze
blank verse
shows how her wonderings about him aren't actually fact
12 of 12

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Card 2


What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in London


ABAB rhyme scheme
sounds like nursery rhyme; innocence contrasts with the suffering in poem

Card 3


What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in The Prelude


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in My Last Duchess


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the rhyme scheme and what effect does it give in Exposure


Preview of the front of card 5
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