physical development of all life stages

- start to crawl
- chew food
- walking holding onto something
- learn more through senses
- become stronger
- develop better head control
- can reach for things
- uses pincher grip
- teething begins
1 of 7
- grow in height and weight
- form complete set of permanent teeth
- bladder and bowel control is developed
- co-ordination and mobility skills improve
- strength & stamina increases
- draw recognisable pictures
2 of 7
- have growth spurt
- start puberty
- growth of muscles & broadened shoulders in boys
- girls develop breasts & hips widen
- girls start menstruation
- increased production of sex hormones
- both genders can reproduce
3 of 7
early adulthood
- can gain weight
- start to lose hair
- increases in strength
4 of 7
middle adulthood
- men's hair turns grey & recedes further
- women go through the menopause & are no longer fertile
- bones feel stiffer
5 of 7
later adulthood
- get shorter
- bones become more brittle
- more broken bones than previous
- blood pressure increases
- heart disease & stroke risk increases
- immune system weakens
6 of 7
later adulthood
- skin becomes thinner & less elastic
- wrinkles develop and age spots occur
- hair becomes thinner and turns white
- eyesight changes
- senses are reduced
-bladder becomes weaker
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


- grow in height and weight
- form complete set of permanent teeth
- bladder and bowel control is developed
- co-ordination and mobility skills improve
- strength & stamina increases
- draw recognisable pictures



Card 3


- have growth spurt
- start puberty
- growth of muscles & broadened shoulders in boys
- girls develop breasts & hips widen
- girls start menstruation
- increased production of sex hormones
- both genders can reproduce


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- can gain weight
- start to lose hair
- increases in strength


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


- men's hair turns grey & recedes further
- women go through the menopause & are no longer fertile
- bones feel stiffer


Preview of the back of card 5
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