
What is Phenylketenuria?
A rare genetic disorder
1 of 10
What does it prevent a child from doing?
Breaking down phenylalanine (amino acid)
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What is the amino acid found in?
Many foods, such as; milk, meat and eggs
3 of 10
What happens if a child has phenylalanine?
There is a build-up of harmful substances in the body that damages brain development
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What are all babies screened at birth using?
The heel-***** blood test
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What happens if high levels of phenylalanine are detected?
Treatment starts straight away
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What are the symptoms?
Seizures, tremors, shaking, trembling, stunted growth, hyperactivity, skin conditions such as eczema, a musty odour of their breath, skin or urine
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What is the treatment?
A special diet, medication to prevent harmful build-up
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What would a baby with PKU fail to meet and why?
Developmental milestones due to their brain being damaged
9 of 10
What does untreated PKU lead to?
Severe learning disability and death
10 of 10

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Card 2


What does it prevent a child from doing?


Breaking down phenylalanine (amino acid)

Card 3


What is the amino acid found in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens if a child has phenylalanine?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are all babies screened at birth using?


Preview of the front of card 5
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