PHD NTU Interview

How many old people are there predicted to be by 2039
74 Million
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Who suggested this figure?
Langa (2015)
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Why do people get increased feelings of social isolation as they get older?
Life events including; retirement, age-related losses, declining health, disability and increased mobility limitations
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What has happened as a result of COVID-19?
People have been asked to shield (Shielding is an extreme form of isolation)
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What has shielding led to?
More people over the age of 65 to turn to digital interventions to reduce loneliness
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What is the first research question you are going to answer?
How successful have digital interventions been in reducing isolation and loneliness in the older population?
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What is the second research question you are going to answer?
How does an older person's identity (ethnicity etc) determine the success of digital interventions to reduce loneliness
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What is the final research question you wish to answer?
To evaluate what constitutes a success factor in adopting a digital approach and use these to create a tool to be implemented within the older population.
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What will be conducted to identify 5 cutting edge interventions?
A Scoping Review
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What is the first cutting edge intervention you have identified?
Social Networking and Training in Social Networking
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Who suggested this intervention?
Casanova et al. 2021
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What did they do?
Reviewed 12 studies examining ICT training and use in older people
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What was found?
Increase the effect of ICT use on Loneliness
Increase Self-worth, self esteem and Identity
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What was the second digital intervention you found?
Dressing up Skype on Wheels
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Why would this help?
They felt a personal connection to it, understood it better
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What has happened in other situations?
People expressed 'frustrations 'limitations' and 'usability concerns' and that it looks over complicated
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Why would this work?
Simple low-cost materials and techniques allow people to personalise a new technology
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What is the third technological intervention?
22 residents across 3 care homes engaged with each other using 'skype quiz' sessions
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How long did this go on for?
once a month for 8 months
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What technology did they use?
SOW vs Skype on TV
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What would happen in the sessions?
Meet and Greet for 20 Mins
then Quiz for 40 mins
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What happened as a result?
Improved boredom, nice to see new faces and make new friends, increased happiness and connectedness
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What was the take-home message?
Residents remember faces, not technology
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What is the fourth intervention?
Free tablet to all residents who are severely disadvantaged (Took part in training sessions)
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What was this plan called?
Ibirapita Plan
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What is meant by 'severely disadvantaged'
Abandoned by families, highly dependent on staff, many years of residency
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What were the findings?
No significant findings to reduce loneliness
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Loneliness is not just related to connectedness but also a maladaptive way of thinking - a person could have 100 friends and still feel alone.
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What is the final intervention?
Interventions such as Happify Health
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Who suggested this intervention?
Boucher et al. 2021
30 of 63
What did they do?
Focus group to understand why they felt lonely
Took part in Happify Help or a happiness course
31 of 63
What are digital interventions in?
Their Infancy
32 of 63
What do they focus on?
Increasing opportunities for social interaction and improving social skills. Importance of cognitive behavioural techniques, mindfulness and gratitude for addressing loneliness
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What do digital interventions offer?
Passive distraction
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What could loneliness be a result of?
Maladaptive Thinking
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What is a major concern with telepsychiatry?
loss of personal contact, Decrease ability to detect non-verbal cues, leads to limiting the building of the relationship
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What other issues are there?
Patients with dividitive, visual or cognitive impairments appear not to be eligible for online services, technical difficulties
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What is the digital divide?
Reports still reveal elderly people, racial and ethnic minorities and individuals from lower socio-economic classes tend to fall behind
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How many NHS sites and care homes will you be conducting the interventions in?
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How will you examine the effectiveness of the interventions?
2 semi-structured interviews at each sites with the participants using the interventions, observing people's behaviour before, during and after the intervention sessions
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What is this to examine?
Improvement in loneliness in older people
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How will this be done?
Cross-examining 10 case sites, to examine their effectiveness, factors that led to success or failure which will be intergrated with theory to develop logic models.
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From this what will be made?
A finalised successful intervention will be further piloted in 1 NHS site or care home that did not previously take part.
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How will you assess loneliness?
A survey will be given to 50 pps before and after the intervention to ensure the effectiveness of reducing loneliness.
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What will happen from this?
16 people will be purposively recruited to take part in a semi-structured interview
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What is cross-examination of case studies?
Take bits from each case study and understand them as a whole. You would assign thematic categories and take the bits out that you needed to understand that topic.
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for example?
for example, I would take bits of text where the women were writing about the financial or emotional aspects of lone motherhood or talking about their children, and I would take these bits of text and try to analyse them and make sense of them as a whole
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Why use case studies?
Small sample size and understand key issues
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What is a logic model?
A graph that represents the theory of how an intervention produces its outcomes. It represents, in a simplified way, a hypothesis or 'theory of change' about how an intervention works
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Why do you want to do this project?
Ever since I started to work with Dr Maria Berghs researching the psychological impacts of shielding on the Sickle Cell community, I have been wanting to further add to the field of health inequalities within BAME community
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Why are people in the BAME population experiencing barriers in terms of digital interventions?
language barriers (Twyford and Wigfield, 2019), perceived stigma (Kharicha, Iliffe, Manthorpe et al. 2017) and digital poverty (Serafino, 2019)
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What is often assumed about the BAME population?
BAME community that people within ethnic minority households have more ‘traditional’ family structures, with young relatives looking after or living with their older relatives, thus they are assumed to be less lonely. This however is not the case, as many
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What did a British Red Cross survey find in 2016?
656 older adults from the BAME community on loneliness and it was revealed that 39% of respondents who lived with 4 or more people in their household, still felt lonely
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Suggesting what?
Loneliness is also to do with maladaptive thinking rather than lack of social connectedness or networks?
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In a review by Amundson (2021), what interventions have been suggested?
support groups, reminiscence therapy, videoconferencing, computer use training, befriending volunteer programmes, internet and interactive games and self-management sessions
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What is their currently little of?
currently little evidence evaluating their effectiveness within both a BAME and White population
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What did Fakoya (2020) suggest about fighting loneliness
it was evident that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing loneliness or social isolation
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A logic model is needed for both BAME and White population to show what is successful and what isn't!
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What does this PHD hope to address?
1. Loneliness has been identified as a big public health issue especially in social care but there are currently no evaluations of current interventions in use.
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What is the second finding?
Myriad of reviews of different interventions that have been successful in reducing loneliness in the elder, but there is no fieldwork evaluating the most successful interventions
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What is the third finding?
There are no in-depth comparisons between the White and BAME population. It has been suggested previously that BAME people are more affected by health inequalities, yet they have been neglected in digital intervention research
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What have some studies suggested that digital interventions do?
Increase loneliness and disempower
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Hence what is important?
Important to understand what factors contribute to a successful intervention among the older population
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who suggested this figure?


Langa (2015)

Card 3


Why do people get increased feelings of social isolation as they get older?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What has happened as a result of COVID-19?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What has shielding led to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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