Theory Test

Hard to remember elements of Highway Code for Theory Test



Pelican crossings are signal controlled where a flashing amber follows the red stop light. Flashing amber means give way to pedestrians, unless non are on crossing, then you can proceed with caution.

Toucan and puffin crossings have no flashing amber phase

Stopping Distances

20 = 12 metres

30= 23 metres

40= 36 metres

50= 52 metres

60= 73 metres

70=96 metres


White studs on motorway indicate middle of road

Red studs mark left od carrageway

amber studs mark the central reservation of a dual carrageway or motorway

green studs mark lay-bys and slip roads

Coasting is driving in neutral or with clutch down. This is bad because speed downhill drastically increases, engine braking is lost and overall control is reduced.

Two-second gap doubles on wet roads and increases ten fold on icy roads.

In slow traffic move closer to vechile in front to maintain traffic flow but leave space to manoeuvre.

Select a low gear before a long down hill slope as this helps with control.

When towing remember the extra length will affect over-taking and manoeuvring. The weigh will also affect braking and acceleration.

In icy condictions select a high gear for a slow speed, accelerate and break gently.

Road surface can become soft in heat, and slippery if it rains after a long dry spell, this can affect steering and braking.

Do not park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction.

When parking on a hill, select a forward gear and turn steering wheel away from curb is parked up hill and towards kerb if parked downhill. All vechiles must display parking lights when parked on a road with a speed limit over 30mph. You must not park facing against traffic flow at night unless in designated space.

Controlled crossings e.g. for trains usually have traffic light signals with a steady amber light, twin flashing red stop lights and audible alarm.

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