PE Unit 1 Questions

  • Created by: Ella Bond
  • Created on: 17-04-13 17:30
What is health?
A state of complete mental, physical and social well being.
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What is fitness?
Fitness is being physically fit and healthy to be able to fulfil physical activity.
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What are the 4 progressions in sport?
Foundation - students at school, participation - taking part in your free time, performer - receieving coaching and entering local competitions, and elite - taking pert in international competitions.
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What is the role of an organiser?
An organiser oversees the event and arranges performers, venues and equipment for it. They bring together all the main ingredients for an event.
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What is the role of a coach?
A coach influences individuals or groups, they specialise in an activity and are responsible for preparing the performer.
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What are the 4 individual differences of a performer?
Age, disability, gender and physique.
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Why is age important for balanced competition?
If you are young or elderly you may not be as strong or flexible as someone older or younger than you therefore it would be unsafe and unfair competition.
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What are the features of an endomorph?
Fat, short limbs, wide hips. Suitable for sumo wrestling and weight lifting.
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What are the features of a mesomorph?
High muscle mass, heavy chest, broad shoulders and narrow hips. Suitable for rugby and tennis.
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What are the features of an ectomorph?
Lean, small bones, narrow shoulders and hips. Suitable for sprinting and high jump.
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What are the 6 main environmental factors which affect sport participation and performance?
Weather, cold, heat, terrain, humidity and altitude.
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Describe the steps of a warm up.
Firstly you should perform light aerobic work to gradually increase your heart rate, then you should stretch your muscles gradually and finally you should perform basic skills for the sport you will carry out.
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Why should we carry out a warm up?
Increases your heart rate, increases body temperature so muscles arent cold, mentally prepares you for sport and introduces skills used within the sport or activity.
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Why should we carry out a warm down after physical activity?
Slowly decreases heart rate back to resting, stops the build up of lactic acid in muscles therefore preventing DOMS.
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State the 5 safety precautions to be undertaken before a sporting activity.
Balanced competition, following the rule, wearing correct clothing, using the correct equipment and following the code of conduct.
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Describe aerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration happens when oxygen is present. We need a good supply of oxygen and glucose to the muscles so we can go on for a long period of time, longer than 60 seconds.
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Describe anaerobic respiration.
Anaerobic respiration is without oxygen. It is used when we need short bursts of energy, if it continues over a minute then energy is released by breaking down carbohydrates. Lactic acid is produced in the muscles.
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What are red blood cells and what are their function?
Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, they carry oxygen to the cells that need it to form oxyhaemoglobin and they transport nutrients and waste.
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What are white blood cells and what are their function?
White blood cells are part of the bodies defence against infection and disease, they fight infection, repair damaged tissue and destroy bacteria.
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What are platelets and what are their function?
Platelets help the blood to clot at the site of a wound by producing a network of protein threads that capture the blood so it will clot and form a scab.
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What is blood plasma and what is its function?
Blood plasma is a yellow liquid which is 90% water. During exercise hormones are produced and transported in the plasma.
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What does the heart rate need to be working at in order to improve cardiovascular endurance?
60-80% of your maximum heart rate.
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What are the benefits of aerobic training on your circulatory system?
Stronger bigger heart meaning its more efficient, less stress on the heart due to lower heart rate, delivers oxygen to the muscles quicker and reduces your risk of heart disease.
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Why is oxygen produced?
Oxygen debt is a result of vigorous exercise and is due to insufficient amounts of oxygen reaching the muscles so energy is released without oxygen.
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What is lactic acid and how is it produced?
Lactic acid is the incomplete breakdown of glucose which builds up in the muscles during anaerobic respiration.
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Describe the recovery process after exercise.
Eating carbohydrates and proteins to help the repair of damaged tissue, performing gentle stretches, drinking water to rehydrate and
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What is leisure time?
The portion of the day where a person is free from everyday duties.
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What is recreation?
Recreation is an opportunity to relax and actively pursue a healthy lifestyle. Recreational activites are non competitive and can improve general fitness, reduce stress and are socially beneficial.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is fitness?


Fitness is being physically fit and healthy to be able to fulfil physical activity.

Card 3


What are the 4 progressions in sport?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the role of an organiser?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the role of a coach?


Preview of the front of card 5
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