Opposition the Tsarist regime 1881-1904

A quiz on the different political parties

  • Created by: H@S@N
  • Created on: 30-04-14 14:30

1. What were the main policies/beliefs of the Bolsheviks?

  • They wanted a single revolution to reach communism and to support workers rights
  • To get land redistribution and civil rights for all citizens
1 of 11

Other questions in this quiz

2. Why were the factory workers key to the Bolsheviks?

  • The Bolsheviks belived that a revolution would only occur if the exploited city workers supported the revolution
  • The factory workers helped distribute Bolshevik literature at work

3. From who did the SR reciever the most support?

  • The peasantry
  • The workers
  • The nobility

4. What were key policies of the Liberal party?

  • They wanted equality and civil rights for all , and end to censorship and redemption payments as well as free universal education
  • They wanted land redistribution and 2 seperate revolutions

5. What was the main policy of the Social Revolutionaries?

  • To redistribute land amongst peasants
  • To allow all citizens equality and civil rights
  • To support trade unions


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