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6. From which groups did the Liberals recieve most support?

  • The professionals and the industrialists
  • The peasants

7. Why were the factory workers key to the Bolsheviks?

  • The Bolsheviks belived that a revolution would only occur if the exploited city workers supported the revolution
  • The factory workers helped distribute Bolshevik literature at work

8. After the 1905 revolution what did the liberal party split into?

  • The SR and the Social Democrats
  • The Kadets and the Octobrists
  • The Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks

9. What was the key method used by Social Revolutionaries?

  • Assasination - between 1901 and 1905 the SR assasinated 2000 government officials
  • They wrote revolutionary literature and published it abroad and smuggled it into Russia
  • Releasing prisoners from jails

10. From who did the SR reciever the most support?

  • The peasantry
  • The workers
  • The nobility

11. What were the main policies/beliefs of the Bolsheviks?

  • They wanted a single revolution to reach communism and to support workers rights
  • To get land redistribution and civil rights for all citizens