nucleaur receptors

  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 04-11-22 13:14
what function do nucleur receptors carry out
regulation of transcription
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two types of hormone?
steriodal and non steriodal
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description of steriods?
lipophillic, eneter directly through cell membrane,work in nucleaur receptors, slow acting, transcription
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description of non steriod hormones
hydrophillic, bind to cell membrane receptors, then allow secondary messangers to pass intracellular, fast acting
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name the steriodal intracellular ligands and where produced
sex hormones- gonad glands-androgens,estrogens and progestron. corsticosteriods- adrenal glands- mineralcortiscoids, glucocortiscoids
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name the non steroid intracellular ligands
vitman D, Thyroid hormone,retanoic acid
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what ligands have receptors in cytoplasm
glucocortiscoids and mineralcortiscoids
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what ligands have receptors on the DNA in the nucleus
thyroid hormone, retanoic acid
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what ligands have receptors in nucleus
estrogen and proestrogen
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what type of dimer does each ligand type form
steroid= homodimer. non steroid=hetrodimer
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function of transactivation domains on nucleur recpetor
results in conformational chnage in DNA
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function of dna/dimeriastion domain
allows dna to bind and dimerisation of receptors
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function of nucleur localsing domain on DNA
allows other intracellular receptors to enetr nuclues, keeps receptors in nuclues
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mechanism of cytoplasmic nucleur receptor
ligand binds to receptor, activates it and dislodges the chaperone protien, receptor ligand complex enters nuclus and binds to specific DNA sequence acting as hormone response element. gene transcribed and translated
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mechanism of nucleus nucleur receptor
steriod hormones enter straight into nucleus, form complex with receptor acting as hormone response element. binds to dna causing transcription
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receptor signal complex mechanism
signal molecule binds to signal binding domain, inhibitor/chaperone protien released exposing dna binding site, dna binds, gene can be transcribed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


two types of hormone?


steriodal and non steriodal

Card 3


description of steriods?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


description of non steriod hormones


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


name the steriodal intracellular ligands and where produced


Preview of the front of card 5
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