Note 4: The changing fortunes of the Nazi Party 1919-1932

What was the party Hitler was sent to investigate then later became involved with
German Workers Party DAF
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What did the party change its name to in 1920
Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP)
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When was Beer Hall Putsch
November 8 1923
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Which ww1 General was involved in the Beer Hall Putsch
General Ludendorff
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What was the aim of the beer hall putsch
To gain the support of the support of politicians like Gustav Kahr, the Bavarian state commissioner, Otto Lossow, Bavarian army commander, and Hans Seisser Munich police chief.
He forced them to agree to support his RW revolution
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Was the Beer Hall putsch successful
No: the politicians disowned Hitler as soon as he left and the next day, Hitler and 3000 SAs marching to Marienplatz were met with gunfire from police, 16 Nazis killed and Hitler imprisoned 2 days after
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Where was Hitler’s trial and why was this weird
He was trialed in the Bavarian people’s court even though he should’ve been tried in the Supreme Court due to his crimes of treason. The Bavarian gov succeeded in retaking the right of emergency jurisdiction
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What sentence did he revive
Minimum sentence for high treason, 5 years, he only served 9 months
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What did he realise after Kapp putsch
Nazis can only come to power through legal means,
He can’t take RW support for granted
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What was the state of the Nazi party once Hitler was out of prison
Divisions between northern socialists and southern communists
SAs were banned
Hitler wasn’t allowed to speak in public until 1927
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When was the Bamberg Conference
14 February 1926
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What did Hitler affirm in the conference
Policies that could be viewed as communist would not be pursued
Affirmed the 25 point plan, social ideas as party platform
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How many members and seats in the Reichstag did the Nazis have by end of 1927
75,000 members
7 seats in the Reichstag
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Where did Nazis start focusing their appeal in 1928
Northern rural Protestant areas
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How did the Nazis do in the 1929 Reichstag elections
Lost 100,000 votes
Overall had 2.6% of votes
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How did they do in some rural areas
In some rural areas in the north, Nazi support was as high as 18%
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What did Nazi membership grow to in October 1929
150,000 and they took control of their first town council
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Why were the Nazis more gains in support than the communists
Middle and upper class scared of communists revolution
Gained farmers support by promising higher prices and protection from cheap imports
Gaining support in all classes, specifically targeting each class separately
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What % of votes overall did the Nazis have in 1930 Reichstag election
18.3 % of votes overall
In one rural district in the north-west, Nazi vote was 68%
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% of votes for Hitler in 1932 presidential elections (2nd ballot)
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Where was communist support mainly confined to
Large cities like Berlin
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What was the general trend in communist support
Communists broadens their support in areas where they already had majority, (WC poor industrial areas) but could not appeal to people beyond their traditional values
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Why else couldn’t the communists grow support
They could not afford expensive propaganda campaign that the Nazi had because they had the support of the leading rich industrialists, who wanted to destroy the threat of communist revolution so they funded Hitler’s tour, prop campaigns tov and radio broa
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Hitler’s importance in Nazi success
Extremely skilled orator
Tailored speech to audience, played with emotions
Flew around 6 cities a day, giving speeches
Face of the Nazi party
Put the Nazis on the map through beer hall putsch
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Nazi propaganda
Hitler’s speeches
Posters, leaflets, tov and radio, films, staged rallies, songs
Everything tailored to area and social class
Eg WC propoganda was bread and work
DR GOEBELLS, MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA and leader of Nazi party in Berlin
Had a Nazi newspaper
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Strengths of KPD
Propoganda was simple and attracted some
Thalmann’s speeches revolved around class struggle
Bread and freedom slogan
KPD propaganda attacked failures of SPD during depression
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Weaknesses of KPD
Never came close to launching a successful revolution
High membership turnover - more than 50% of new members in 1932 left after a few months
Supporters were unemployed ppl, can’t fund campaigns
Limited to large industrial cities
When KPD support grew
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the party change its name to in 1920


Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP)

Card 3


When was Beer Hall Putsch


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which ww1 General was involved in the Beer Hall Putsch


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the aim of the beer hall putsch


Preview of the front of card 5
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