Nazi Germany 1933-45 Gleichschaltung

Between 1933-1945, Hitler implemented numerous means to control the German people. This quiz tests your knowledge on how he did it and it's effectiveness.

  • Created by: Lydia
  • Created on: 19-05-12 17:37

1. How did Hitler control education in Nazi Germany?

  • Had officials checking schools for compliance
  • Vetted textbooks and changed cirriculum
  • All of the above
  • Created the Nazi Teachers League where 97% joined
  • Purged 15% of University Staff
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. The Hitler Youth trained young boys in military style drills.

  • True
  • False

3. The Concordat ensured that the Nazi's would be involved in Church, but the Church wouldn't get involved in politics.

  • False
  • True

4. How many were in the German Christians Nazi pressure group?

  • 44,000
  • 600,000
  • 34,000
  • 5,000
  • 100,000

5. The Confessional Church contained 5,000 pastors who agreed with the Nazi's involvement in the Protestant Church.

  • False
  • True



I find that test tricky. Usually people don't remember numbers like that for long. First of all.

According to the statistic rules the test is biased. There is no clarity who does what and whatsoever. Who is who. Farmers, classes (according to which theory etc.) no sources quoted etc.

I am critical about such bad designed tests like the test above. It is hypocrisy to ask people to answer this way. It is biased and tricky. No criteria, no clarity.

Sorry, I find it a negative experience to find out that knowledge can have such a criteria as learning by heart......non-senseless numbers.....

Good luck everybody with the test....

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