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6. Why did Hitler replace Trade Unions with the DAF?

  • To indoctrinate the workers with regular political classes
  • So workers only obeyed him
  • All of the above
  • To watch over and increase production
  • So workers weren't organised to resist

7. How much did the Nazi's spend clearing farmers debts?

  • 700million RM
  • 100million RM
  • 650million RM
  • 500,000 RM
  • 1million RM

8. Although farmers incomes increased by 41% between 1933-38, this was still much less than the increase in industrial wages.

  • True
  • False

9. How many women were in the Reich Mothers Service?

  • 1.7million
  • 3.8million
  • 250
  • 500,000
  • 2million

10. How many women were in the DFW by 1939?

  • 750,000
  • 15million
  • 20,000
  • 6million
  • 5.5million